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Research On The Application Of Close Reading In High School Foreign Novel Reading Teaching

Posted on:2020-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H LuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The novel reading teaching is an important carrier and way to cultivate the core aesthetic literacy of "high aesthetics appreciation and creation",and foreign novels have always been an important component of the novel content in high school Chinese textbooks.For a long time,the lag of education and teaching philosophy,the limitations of teachers' self-cultivation and the influence of the test environment have made the reading teaching of foreign novels stagnant.The old methods and rigid evaluation system have made students have a certain resistance to foreign novel reading.The stylistic features of the novel and the unique charm of foreign novels are not well reflected in the classroom teaching.Based on the theory of close reading,combined with specific teaching practice,this study carries out text reading in high school foreign novel teaching,and at the same time combines specific teaching practice to explore the teaching strategies of text reading in foreign novel teaching.Exploring an efficient path of foreign novel teaching and improving the level of foreign novel reading teaching.This paper is divided into five parts:The introduction is divided into four parts.First,clarify the origin of research and research value;then literature review,one is a review in the field of Chinese teaching,the other is a review in the practice of foreign novel teaching;the third is to explain the research content and research methods of this research;The definition of the two keywords of "text reading" and "foreign novel".The first chapter introduces the value of close reading to the teaching of high school foreign novels,from three aspects: teachers,students and classrooms.The teacher's aspect emphasizes the positive impact of close reading on improving the teaching level of teachers.The most obvious influence is in stimulating reading and promoting the teaching content.The students mainly focus on enhancing the appreciation,reading ability,aesthetic quality and thinking ability.The basic pattern of student appreciation;the classroom focuses on interaction and expansion activities,allowing students to read and discuss activities.The second chapter points out the existing problems in the reading teaching of high school foreign novels and analyzes the causes.The teacher's rigid teaching and the boring inconvenience of students are the main problems at present.Abnormal reading behavior is the main cause of these problems.The school's exam-oriented education takes reading to the abnormal state of the exam only.This is the first;the fast food culture in the society leads the teachers and students to the shallow reading of heavy information,which is the second;due to the lack of teacher guidance,the students' autonomy Reading is blind and undirected,and becomes an isolated reading.The third chapter explains the basis for the detailed reading of the texts of high school foreign novels.The close reading into the high school foreign novel classroom on the one hand depends on the requirements of the high school Chinese curriculum standards,on the other hand,combined with the text to peruse the characteristics of itself.The standard of Chinese language is to cultivate the core literacy of students' language.Therefore,this chapter focuses on the requirements of the core literacy of the language to explain the implementation basis;the close reading demonstrates the positive effect on the reading of foreign novels from its presentation,development and characteristics.The fourth chapter analyzes the specific strategies used in the teaching of high school foreign novels.The texts of high school foreign novels are composed of two parts: short stories and novels.This chapter analyzes strategies separately.The strategy analysis of short stories takes the words,structure,perspective,fiction and original text as the starting point,and shows the implementation process through specific case analysis.The strategy analysis of the novel excerpt focuses on returning to the original work and taking care of the whole book.The text,a key breakthrough in the plot and character image,aims to guide students to read the entire book.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign novels, Close reading, High school Chinese, Chinese teaching
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