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Japanese Paper Doctoral System Research

Posted on:2020-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578957580Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The degree system with modern university significance originated from the European medieval universities and was transplanted into the university model,and the degree system was first established in Japan in East Asia.Japan's doctoral thesis system is a unique phenomenon in the history of the world degree system.It is true that Japan,as the first country to establish modern university system and degree system in the oriental countries,its university system and degree system are a typical example of transplantable higher education in Europe and the United States.With the development of the times,Japan's higher education management system and degree system,while transplanting western models,also produced different "heterogeneous" factors from the West,among which the "doctoral thesis system" is one of them.Of the United States of America.After more than a century of development,the doctoral system in Japan has played an important role in achieving academic modernization and training a large number of local academic talents in Japan.Before World War II,doctoral thesis winners became the mainstream of the doctoral group in Japan.After World War II,although the Japanese government transformed the degree system to the American model and carried out the doctoral degree system and master degree system,the doctoral dissertation system has been preserved as a "tradition of education" and continues until now.At the same time,we should also see that in recent years there have been some international scholars from British and American countries and international organizations,such as(OECD),and so on,to this unique doctoral degree system of Japan.There is a direct voice of doubt.Since the new century,some scholars in Japan have put forward the call of "abolishing the system of doctoral dissertation",but up to now,the system of doctoral dissertation in Japan is still "existing but not wasted",and it still plays the role of "marking" high-level academic talents.This is a unique phenomenon in the history of the world degree system,and it is worth studying.Therefore,taking the doctoral system of Japanese thesis as the research object,and taking the reform of the relevant degree system as the main clue,this paper reveals the characteristics of the times and the practical value of the doctoral system in various historical stages.To enrich the theory and practice of the world degree system.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,the main part of the thesis consists of three chapters.First of all,the introduction part,reveals the research background,research purpose,research basic content and research methods,summarizes and analyzes the domestic and foreign literature materials;The first chapter is an overview of the doctoral system,starting with the establishment of the modern Tokyo University(Imperial University)and thereform of the degree system,focusing on the background of the emergence of the Japanese degree system,from a historical perspective,and taking the establishment of the modern Tokyo University(Imperial University)as the starting point.The main types of doctoral degrees,as well as the main differences between doctoral dissertation and doctoral course;Chapter II,the historical evolution and awarding practice of doctoral system,based on Japan's socio-political economy and international environment.It is divided into two historical periods: pre-World War II doctoral system and Post-World War II doctoral system.On this basis,the analysis of its institutional changes,doctoral degree award practice and its value;In the third chapter,the challenges and prospects of doctoral dissertation system are discussed.Based on the analysis of historical investigation and institutional change,from the perspective of comparative education,the problems and challenges faced by the doctoral system in Japan are summarized and summarized.Forecast the direction of reform in the future.Finally,it reveals the reference significance of the doctoral system in Japan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japan, Degree System, Ph.D
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