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The Research On Strategies Of Using Classroom Probings In High School Geography To Promote The Students' Thinking Ability

Posted on:2020-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578474371Subject:Subject teaching
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The development of students' thinking cannot be separated from the stimulation of problems.Classroom probing in geography is an important part of classroom questioning,which is one of the demands of teacher's professional development to have classroom questioning ability that can stimulate students' thinking development.Through the study and observation,it is found that most of teachers have a misunderstanding in the consciousness of classroom probing in geography,and a serious improper use of classroom probing.In addition,there are few studies on the relationship between classroom probing in geography and students' thinking development.The research logic of this paper is to find,analyze and solve problems.After clarifying relevant concepts and theories,the paper constructed "geography classroom probing analysis index to promote students' thinking development" and "analysis framework",based on the"question-based interactive discourse analysis framework" constructed by Christine Chin,which is constructed by the method of literature analysis,expert consultation,classroom observation and so on.Using this tool,the paper investigated the current situation of geography classroom probing,and summarized the main problems.Finally,the paper puts forward some strategies to promote students' thinking development.Therefore,the research in this paper has certain theoretical significance for enriching the questioning teaching in high school geography class and cultivating students' thinking ability.In addition,it also has practical value for improving the professional quality of geography teachers and improving the effectiveness of cultivating students' thinking ability.This paper consists of the following six parts:The first part is the introduction.It's mainly about the current domestic and foreign research results on classroom questioning,classroom probing and the development of students' thinking.And it illustrates the background and significance of the research on geography classroom probing.Also,the research objectives,contents,methods,technical routes,characteristics and innovations of this paper are clarified in this part.The second part mainly includes three modules.The first is the definitions of the relevant concepts.On the basis of literature analysis,the concepts about the geography classroom probing and the students' thinking development are defined in detail.The second is to clarify the role of geography classroom probing in promoting students'thinking development.The third is to establish the theoretical base about the geography curriculum and teaching theory,dialogue teaching theory,constructivism learning theory,thinking development evaluation theory.The third part is the construction of "geography classroom probing analysis index"and "analysis framework" to promote students' thinking development.Firstly,it introduces the theoretical basis for the construction of analysis indicators and analysis framework:the "question-based interactive discourse analysis framework",constructed by Christine Chin.Secondly,combined with the above literature analysis,the analysis index and analysis framework are preliminarily drawn up from a theoretical perspective.Then,the analysis index and the analysis framework were adjusted by practicing,including the help of the expert survey and classroom observation,and determined finally.In the end,the paper also explains the process of classroom observation and matters needing attention.The fourth part takes the constructed analysis index and analysis framework as the tool,observing 10 geographical classroom recorded summarizes the main problems existing in the current geographical classroom probing,which is concluded by analyzing the current situation of geographical classroom probing.The problems are listed as follows:(1)The frequency of classroom probing about geographical perceptual knowledge is too high,ignoring independent thinking.(2)The frequency of low-level classroom probing is too high,which hinders thinking inspiration.(3)Classroom probings about innovation almost blank,lacking of innovation guidance.(4)Prompt classroom probing doesn't pick the right moment,leading to passive thinking.(5)Cross-examine object choose randomly,forming the inertia of the thinking.(6)Waiting time is generally short,leading to superficial thinking.The fifth part puts forward the strategies of geography classroom probing optimization.According to the main problems in the geography class,the optimization strategies are put forward.It's required that teachers should not only focus on the students'thinking,carefully preset the classroom probing before class,but also generated questions tactfully,based on the students' response.Preseting the classroom pobings need to finish a couple of things:paying attention to the level design of questioning and follow the rules of students' thinking development;determining the target of questioning reasonably and respecting the differences of students' thinking characteristics;extending the waiting time and changing the inertia of students' thinking impulse.It's also required to grasp the asking opportunity and choose the classroom probing flexibly,improve the shortcoming and accumulate the experience of generative classroom probings.The sixth part is the conclusion and prospectation,including three modules:including the basic conclusion,the existence insufficiency and the prospectation.
Keywords/Search Tags:classroom probing in geography, the students' thinking development, strategies, high school geography
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