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Research On Teacher Attrition And Management Strategies Of Ningbo NL English Training School

Posted on:2020-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K C QiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578468244Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the heated process of economic globalization evolving,as an international language,English has become more and more valued in China,and hence boomed the market of English language training.Some language schools rapidly developed depending on its well-established franchised brand name.They have nourished star teachers and star students,they have earned a ton,they have even accomplished business cooperation with public school system and many private schools.However,with the fast accumulation of capital,some language training schools have become negligent of the value of teacher employees,causing vicious competition amongst language training schools and the damage of customer experiences.Therefore,how to decrease teacher turn-over rate and retain current teacher employees through appropriate human resource management skills has become an urgent issue for Ningbo NL English training school.Focusing on NL school,through observation and discussion ofcurrent skyrocketing teacher turn-over rate,this paper firstly points out that current circumstances of teacher attrition has caused the company to have lost competitive strength and damaged customer experience and public image.Then based on theories of need and theories of incentive,combining researching approaches of interview and questionnaire,the paper goes on analyzing how teachers' personal needs for development,social ideas,social economic environment and unhumanized management can together act on the potential on teacher attrition.Thirdly,guided by theories of employee turnover and human resource management,the paper proposes strategies to decrease the rate of teacher attrition targeting several aspects of salary and welfare system,performance appraisal,incentive system and entrepreneurial culture of the business.The main goal of this research intends to help better the human resource management of Ningbo NL English language training school in hope to retain current valuable teacher employees and obtain new teacher employees.Meanwhile the study serves to provide other training schools in the market with suggestive management skills to maintain competitive force with the retention of core employee resource.
Keywords/Search Tags:English training, teacher attrition, management strategy
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