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A Survey Of School Happiness In Senior Primary Schools

Posted on:2019-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T DouFull Text:PDF
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In the primary school,senior students develop rapidly and their intelligence levels increase rapidly.At the same time,their world outlook,outlook on life and values are gradually developing.The students in this period have great changes in their lives,and the increase in learning pressure is prone to various incompatibility.Although most of them still maintain a good quality of positive,healthy,and hard work,However,the emergence of negative emotions such as ideological paranoia,increased inferiority,and strong rebellious spirits has led to a decline in school happiness.Therefore,how to improve the school happiness of upper primary school students is very important.This paper analyzes the current situation of school happiness in senior students of six-year primary school,and based on comprehensive and scientific data survey and analysis,points out the negative factors and raises the psychological and physiological characteristics of schools,families,society and students.Its countermeasures for happiness in school.Based on Tian Lili's "Adolescent School Happiness Scale",this paper created the "School Happiness Scale for Senior Primary School Students" questionnaire,which consists of three subscales,each with 4 dimensions and 43 entries.And 14 items of positive and negative emotions in school.This study is based on the six-year primary school students,mainly from the three regions of Qingdao,Jinan and Heze in Shandong Province.787 questionnaires were collected and 758 valid questionnaires,the effective rate was 96.3%.The survey results show that the high school students in the primary school stage have a higher level of happiness.In seven dimensions,compared with girls,male students have lower school happiness;compared with fathers working locally,fathers' foreign students have lower school happiness;introverted students,brothers and sisters have more than 2 students.Students who have completed an average of more than 150 minutes of work per day,and those who have never been rated as outstanding students have a lower level of well-being.Compared with fifth-grade students,sixth-grade students have a lower level of happiness.According to the results of the questionnaire data analysis,this paper analyzes the reasons for the problems of high school students' happiness in school,and puts forward corresponding strategies to improve their school happiness: recognize the gender differences between boys and girls,and have more patience for boys.Caring,deliberate,home and school jointly improve the level of happiness of boys' schools;to help parents establish a new concept of family education,teachers should strengthen the contact with parents(especially fathers)who go out to work,encourage fathers to contact children,hold a variety of Forms of school-school activities,etc.,increase the school's well-being of students who work outside the home;take self-confidence to strengthen inward-looking students,develop students' sense of communication,work together with homes and schools,improve parent-child relationships,etc.Respect the students,develop the students' individuality,cultivate the students' self-confidence and expertise,strengthen the cooperation between the home and the school to improve the school happiness level of the students without special skills;strengthen the educationof the class honour of non-class cadres,and carry out some related schools Abstract topic discussion of happiness and equality awareness teaching The promotion has never been a student cadre student school happiness;teachers should give more care and patience,actively explore the strengths of the undergraduates,strengthen communication with other teachers;develop practical teaching plans and review plans,and carry out the sixth grade Mental health education courses,etc.improve the school happiness of sixth-grade students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Senior student, School happiness, primary school
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