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A Study On The Questioning Behavior Of Pirmary School Chinese Teachers In Classrom

Posted on:2020-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
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Classroom questioning plays an important role in classroom teaching.The interaction between teachers and students in classroom teaching will also be carried out through questioning,so as to promote the common communication and development between teachers and students.Inspiring and helping students to learn Chinese better can also help teachers achieve good teaching results.When organizing the literature and entering the internship school,I found that in today's Chinese classroom teaching,there are still many teachers who pay more attention to classroom questions and neglect classroom questioning.Therefore,the author observes and studies the current situation of the questioning behavior in the classroom teaching of the primary school Chinese teachers in Shanghai.The purpose is to explore effective suggestions for teachers' classroom questioning behavior.Mainly from the actual situation of primary school Chinese teachers in the classroom,mainly follow the research ideas of “finding problems and then analyzing problems,and finally proposing appropriate suggestions”.In addition,through the three methods of literature,observation and interview,the current situation of primary school Chinese teachers is discussed.The systematic investigation mainly focuses on the problems of questioning and questioning in the classroom,the type of questioning,the object of questioning,the purpose of questioning,the timing of questioning,the evaluation after questioning,and the skill of questioning.The process of this paper is a two-stage process.The first stage of research is to use the literature method to determine the research content,and use the observation method to compile the observation scale and interview outline of the classroom questioning.The second stage is mainly to select the internship school teachers and the Internet observation class teachers as observation and investigation objects,and then collect data and analyze the current situation.The research finds that the questions asked by teachers are mainly display questions and reference questions.After the questioning,the evaluations are based on praise.The types of questioning are concentrated in progressive and chained styles.The skills of questioning are transformed from the objects in the table and the questions.Faster,ask different students,the purpose of questioning is to promote students' thinking and improve students' thinking ability.It is easy to ask questions when students answer mistakes and contradictions,and the length of questioning is short.Finally,if you want to improve the skills of teachers' classroom questioning,you can first clearly and correctly understand the conceptual nature of the questioning,learn from the teachers with rich teaching experience,exchange the methods and skills of classroom questioning,and control the timing of questioning in classroom teaching.As well as patience,patiently waiting for students to answer questions and reduce the number of people who are asked to change.Secondly,appropriately question the responsiveness question and increase the types of associative and reverse-style questioning.Finally,the purpose of the questioning should be clear,enriching the evaluation language after the classroom questioning.
Keywords/Search Tags:the behavior of cross-examine, primary chinese teacher, observational studies, Shanghai
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