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Study On Theory Of Sudbury Valley School In USA

Posted on:2019-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330572465149Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Educational activities are the inevitable outcome of the formation of human society.Before the school system had not yet appeared,education was taught to young people through the way of the old man in the way of production and life.With the development of society,education has gradually developed into a school system,with specialized educational establishments,and the selection of specially educated people to educate the younger generation.With the development of human society,school education has gradually become an important part of social development.It is generally accepted that schools are an important institution that can promote human development,promote social equality and implement social justice.Therefore,most people want the state to establish a school education system with these functions.Therefore,since the 19th century,the state has paid attention to the role of education,and put forward the so-called compulsory education forced enrollment.However,with the development of modern highly institutionalized school education,school education alienation is a kind of service for the country completely,human nature is greatly suppressed,is not conducive to the real freedom of human development.Thus,some social commentators and educators in the United States began to re-examine school education and demand reform of American education.More radical factions the rise of the "anti-school education"campaign,the school education made severe questioning.Advocates of"anti-school education " argue that school education is only to maintain the social order of capitalism.They control the ideology of the next generation through school education.The ultimate goal is to preserve the capitalist system so that the vested interests of the rulers can be consolidated.There is no fair at all.There is a Summer Hill school originated in the United Kingdom,it has lasted for 90 years and still bloom.Books of Summer Hill were translated to Japan,and got popularity and big influences.In Japan,They formed their own Summer Hill,it is called 'Baxueyuan'and 'Xiaodoudou' also well known in China.Sudbury Valley is a more American way of Summer Hill,and a more aggressive Summer Hill school.In this article,we look back of the history and journey of liberal education and Sudbury Valley school.We figure out how do the people in Sudbury school think of the reason to go schooling,and how they learn,what do they learn,what is their core ideal of the school.There is a distinctive education(?)SVM(Sudbury Valley Mode),in recent 30 years,these kind of SVM schools emerged in all over the world,in huge amount quantity.And this is a kind of Sudbury culture,only one immerse into this kind of circumstances,who can feel and understand and evolve to this culture.When we enter this differentiated culture,we constructed our distinguished mode(SVM),we introduce this kind of mode and culture and the essential elements.I hope that the young people to be provided more opportunities to choose and emphasize the role of education in the growth of people,while the contemporary education "student-oriented,student-oriented development" of the core concept play a catalytic role worth learning from.This paper is composed of several parts:introduction,text,conclusion,reference,appendix and post writing.The introduction part explains the reason,significance,literature review,concept definition,research mentality and method of this paper.We study the Sudbury Valley,is to make us and our education better,we also try to think and understand and discern some defects of this Sudbury mode,and in soil of Chinese,if transplant,how can it bloom again in our country and our culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:free, Sudbury Valley, school, schooling mode, theory
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