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Study On Outside School Tutoring In High School Physics

Posted on:2019-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H PangFull Text:PDF
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Out of school education has become an educational phenomenon that can not be ignored in our country's education.Nowadays,the primary and middle school students will walk into the status of the tutorship class after getting out of the campus gate,which has gradually aroused people's extensive attention.Out of the mainstream school education,outside school education is the main carrier of all kinds of after-school tutoring classes,or "cultivate excellent complement" or cultivate students' different interests and special forms of education.This study takes the senior high school students who participate in the physical subjects as the subject of teaching,the full-time teachers who are engaged in the outside school tutoring education and the full-time teachers of the guidance institutions as the teaching object.After the students have completed the main school's learning tasks,they are organized by the no mainstream school staff and opened outside the mainstream schools.The purpose of a profit-making after-school tutorial class is to carry out educational activities to improve the achievement of physics.Through the questionnaire survey and interview of college students,full-time teachers,high school students and parents of students participating in physical education,the motivation of their participation in physical education outside the school is analyzed.Through the investigation,it is found that college students who participate in physical education can improve their teaching skills at the same time.On the other hand,they can contact the society ahead of time and accumulate experience.The springboard buffers the employment pressure;high school students take part in physical education,most of them are to improve their physical learning results,while their parents ask their children to take part in physical education.On the one hand,they hope to overcome the child's fear of physics through physical education.On the other hand,"the college entrance examination is a comprehensive look at physics".The idea is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Parents want more to improve their children's physical achievements and gain certain advantages in the college entrance examination.This paper,taking "overweight and weightlessness" as an example,designed the teaching of physics teaching and tutoring class in school,and then compared the differences of the two kinds of teaching in teaching methods,teaching contents,teaching modes,teaching objectives,selection of teaching materials and the relationship between teachers and students.The teaching of class as a unit can give full play to the advantages of the collective education;theteaching of the tutoring class is carried out in one to one form.To a certain extent,different teaching methods can be chosen according to the students' different learning levels.The school education pays attention to the role of the student group,guides the students to compete in the cooperation,cooperate in the competition,and realize the win-win.In the after-school tutoring education,the students' individual differences can achieve the optimization of the teaching effect.The full-time tutor of the tutorship class has great liquidity,which leads to a relatively low sense of teaching responsibility.In the way of teaching,the teachers and students are only one way of knowledge input and output.The tutor can not make a comprehensive understanding of the students' physical level and related courses,and can not study the students for a long time.For the high school students with heavy learning and task,on the one hand,accepting the education in school,on the one hand,receiving the tutoring education outside the school,has greatly increased the burden of their classes.For the different students,how to realize the complementary advantages of the school education and the extra school guidance and education in promoting the development of the students is also the same.The research focus of the paper.On the background of the prevalence of out of school tutoring education,this paper,based on the theoretical research,combined with the current situation,puts forward how to improve the sense of responsibility of the full-time teachers in the tutorship class and truly be responsible for the students.In order to improve the learning efficiency,students' parents can do a good job of investigation and avoid blind herd when they ask their children to be out of school,so as to provide advice for the full-time tutors and high school students and their parents.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school physics, Out of school tutorship Education, Mainstream school education
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