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Research On China's Criminal Governance From The Perspective Of Social Security

Posted on:2021-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y RuFull Text:PDF
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The establishment of a socialist harmonious society is the goal that China has always pursued for development,and a good and harmonious social order is reflected through the phenomenon of public security and crime.Although China's social and economic achievements have attracted worldwide attention since the reform and opening up,the accompanying negative effects cannot be underestimated.The social structure has changed and the gap between the rich and the poor has widened,exacerbating social conflicts,resulting in the country's criminal arrest rate being consistently high.For crime governance,there have been two voices.One is to increase criminal crackdown and strictly control crime;the other is to pay attention to the protection of people's livelihood,increase social welfare,and reduce crime incentives.The state has also adopted some "blocking" governance measures,which have played a certain role in suppressing crimes.So,can "sparseness" play a certain role in crime control? Exploring how to manage crime from the aspect of social security has certain practical and theoretical significance,and it is also a subject to be studied urgently.This article explores its role in crime control from the perspective of social security.It mainly uses provincial panel data to establish a fixed-effect model and double differential method(DID)to try quantitative methods to explore the effect of social security on crime rate.Provide a reference for the country to manage crime.The fixed effect model was used to analyze the impact of social security on the crime rate of urban employees and floating population,and the double difference method(DID)was used to analyze the impact of the national policy on the integration of urban and rural residents' medical insurance system on crime rate.Provide meaning for reference.It was found that social security as a whole had a negative correlation with the crime rate.Crime is rooted in society,and it is counterproductive to society.Strengthening social security is conducive to promoting social equity,eliminating the breeding grounds of crime incentives,alleviating the imbalance caused by social injustice,and reducing social conflicts.At the same time,good social security also increases the cost of crime.When people choose behaviors,they usually think of it on the basis of comparing costs and benefits.The increase in crime costs will undoubtedly reduce the benefits of crime,thereby weakening the crime awareness.Reduce the occurrence of criminal acts.Appropriately strengthening the social security of rural residents and urban migrants can suppress crime to some extent,requiring us to pay more attention to rural residents and urban migrants in expanding social security coverage,because this group is a vulnerable group in enjoying national security Attention should be paid to the principle of fairness in the implementation ofsafeguard policies,which can correspondingly reduce social conflicts,ease conflicts,reduce crime rates,and better maintain social order and stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social security, Crime governance, Panel data, Difference in difference
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