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Right To The Internet Access As A Social Right And Its Legal Protection

Posted on:2020-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330626450503Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cyberspace is known as a “virtual public place”Enjoying the convenience brought by the Internet has become the “basic need” of people s daily life.Having the right to the Internet access means having more opportunities.The Internet is no longer a purely commercial product,but has the attributes of public goods.In view of this,the international community,with a view to popularizing the Internet and guaranteeing citizens access to the Internet,has explored the issue of right to the Internet access and its attributes,It has gone through a long process from negating the human rights attribute of the right to surf the Internet to recognizing the right to surf the Internet as a human right and then to recognizing the right to the Internet access as a social right.In order to guarantee the realization of this right,After a comprehensive understanding of the main body,object and content of the right to the Internet access,the meaning and attribute of the Right to the Internet access are defined,and the social right attribute of the right access to the Internet is demonstrated through practical activities at home and abroad.As a social right,the realization of the Internet access right in our country has its necessity and possibility,but the main body is not clear,the scope of the content is vague,the social recognition is low and the legal protection is insufficient,etc.In order to ensure the realization of this right,On the basis of fully summarizing the practice of Internet access as a social right,Through legislation,law enforcement,judicial and supervisory means,the legal status of the right to the Internet access shall be granted,relevant special laws shall be formulated,funds for the infrastructure construction required for access to the Internet shall be provided,and investment in information technology and economic support for remote and backward areas shall be increased.Establish a PPP cooperation model with ISP,exploring the judicial path of civil litigation,administrative litigation and administrative public interest litigation for rights relief.
Keywords/Search Tags:Right to the Internet Access, Human Rights, Social Rights, Legal Protection
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