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On Currency In The First Volume Of Capital

Posted on:2021-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330623477606Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is based on the first volume of Capital,focusing on the currency theory in Capital.Previous research on the theory of money in Volume 1 of Capital has focused on the study of value forms and five functions.On the basis of previous research,this paper focuses on the role of money in capitalist production and the role of money in the economic crisis of capitalism,thereby further tapping the theoretical value of Marx's monetary theory.The research in this article includes five chapters.Chapter 1 Introduction.This chapter focuses on the research background and significance,research status at home and abroad,research content and methods,and innovations and deficiencies.The research background of this paper is that in the real society,wealth is measured by money.Money has become an important means of purchasing for human beings,and monetary policy has become an important macroeconomic policy for all countries.However,gold and silver are no longer used as money.The research significance of this article is to discover the nature of money from the first volume of Capital,and provide theoretical reference for constructing the monetary theory of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics and improving the macro-control of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The research status of this paper is that most scholars at home and abroad have studied on whether money is wealth,the role of money in production and the role of money in economic crisis based on the process of economic operation,and they have basically formed positive and negative conclusions,and seldom analyzed these problems based on the text of capital.The research content of this article is to analyze and discuss the source,attributes,and use value of money in Volume 1 of Capital,and the role of money in capitalist production and economic crisis.The research methods in this article are historical materialism,dialectical materialism,literature research,and normative research.The innovation of this article is that the study of Marx's money theory is not limited to money itself,but extends to the role of money in capitalist production andcapitalist economic crisis.The shortcomings of this article are limited to the currency in the real economy in "Capital" and neglected the research on currency in the virtual economy.Chapter 2 :the origin,attribute and use value of money in the first volume of Capital.This chapter considers that the source of money is the transformation of labor products,the movement of internal contradictions of commodities and the development of value forms.The property of money is that its essential property is commodity and its social property is the manifestation of wealth value.The use value of money includes the use value of ideas and the reality,among them,the use value of the concept of money includes three functions: the measure of value,the means of payment and the world currency.The practical use value of money includes four functions: circulation means,payment means,storage means and world money.The functions of money payment and world money are both conceptual and practical.Chapter 3 :the role of money in capitalist production in the first volume of Capital.This chapter considers that in capitalist production,money is endowed with new functions while playing its five functions.Money exists not only as money but also as capital.Among them,money as the role of money,can buy factors of production and realize the value of goods.As a function of capital,money is to realize value multiplication.As the material carrier of completed objectified labor,money exists for the purpose of multiplying its own value and completes the multiplication through the cycle of its own form of use value.Chapter 4 :the role of money in capitalist economic crisis in the first volume of Capital.This chapter believes that the existence of money itself means the possibility that commodities cannot be converted into money,that is to say,the possibility of economic crisis exists.This possibility includes both immediate and long-term aspects,mainly arising from the functions of the means of currency circulation and the means of payment.Thus,money is not the original sin of economic crisis.It follows from this that money is not the cause of the infinite expansion of production,of the relative decline in demand for capacity to pay,of overproduction.Thetransformation of economic crisis into reality requires the gestation of capitalist relations of production.Therefore,the discussion on the root causes of the economic crisis needs to return to the contradiction between productivity and production relations.Chapter 5: the scientific understanding of money in the first volume of Capital.This chapter holds that in capitalist society,money fetishism prevails and money becomes the center of power.It shows that people are dominated by money.Not only are people's activities dominated by money,but the relationship between people is also dominated by money.The nature of currency proliferation lies in that it is the external manifestation of value proliferation and the free occupation of workers' surplus labor.In essence,it is the result of labor exploitation,and the fundamental reason lies in the capitalist mode of production.The relationship between money and economic crisis is that money is only the manifestation of economic crisis--the failure of commodity to transform money,rather than the cause of economic crisis,which is the basic contradiction of capitalist society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capital, currency, capital, economic crisis
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