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Research On The Legal Liability Of The Online Trading Platform

Posted on:2021-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L GeFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of the Internet,network transactions have been produced and developed rapidly,and under the background of such an era,network transactions have also entered the public's vision and provided many conveniences for people's lives.However,everything is a double-edged sword,network transactions in human life to bring convenience at the same time,different infringements also occur,network transaction disputes have become more and more common.Network transaction dispute is a kind of consumer dispute which occurs when consumers complete the trading service with the operators in the online and online trading platform and platform.Because of its own characteristics of network virtual space transactions,can not be equal with the traditional offline transactions,coupled with China's legislation has a relatively lagging characteristics,so even if China's existing laws have made the network transaction disputes,but still not specific and perfect,resulting in many network disputes difficult to resolve for a long time.Therefore,the author thinks from the multiple angles of realizing the fundamental purpose of network trading,protecting the real interests of consumers,meeting the needs of social progress and promoting the rapid and stable development of the economy,and puts forward the research on the legal liability of the network trading platform.The aim is to clarify the unreasonable legal understanding of the existing legal understanding in the determination of legal liability of the network trading platform,standardize the network trading behavior,improve the legal system related to the network trading,improve the obligation of the network trading platform,clarify the legal liability of the network trading platform,and effectively resolve the contradictions and disputes between the parties to the network trading.To balance the multi-subject relationship in network transactions and explore the legal methods of perfecting legislation and guiding judicial practice in China,so as to promote the long-term and benign development of the network trading market and provide some help for the resolution of the dispute series of network transactions.This article is mainly composed of five parts,the specific content is as follows: The firstpart,introduces the background of the topic and the research status at home and abroad,as well as the research significance of the topic,and gradually leads to the legal liability of the network trading platform in judicial practice when the controversy and the necessity of the study of this issue.The second part introduces the concept of the network trading platform and the network trading platform,and elaborates the legal relationship between the legal subjects.The third part,combined with the study of judicial practice cases,puts forward the specific problems and practical causes that still exist in the online trading platform.The fourth part introduces the current legislative status of some foreign countries on the legal liability of the online trading platform,through research and study,in order to define more scientifically and accurately the legal rights and obligations of foreign countries on the online trading platform,and provides reference experience for our country to clarify the legal liability of the online trading platform.The fifth part,in order to solve the legal liability of the network trading platform,clarifies the legal liability of the legal subject in the process of network trading,and puts forward the corresponding measures and suggestions for perfecting the legal supervision of the network trading platform.
Keywords/Search Tags:network transactions, the network trading platform, legal liability, legal supervision
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