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Clause Of USMCA "Competitive Neutrality" And Its Enlightenment On The Reform Of Chinese State-owned Enterprises

Posted on:2021-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330620963727Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Competitive neutrality rules were originally a domestic reform policy,originating in Australia.Its essence is to create a fair and just market competition environment,with the world economy increasingly closely linked,the economic development momentum of developing countries is more and more strong,as state-owned enterprises in the world economy is gradually emerging,led by the United States of western developed countries are also more and more scared of it.Therefore,in view of this situation,the us-led western developed countries spare no effort to promote the internationalization of competitive neutrality rules,especially in the trans-pacific Partnership Agreement(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement,hereinafter referred to as the TPP)and the latest Mexican-American-Canada free trade Agreement(US-Mexico-Canada,hereinafter referred to as USMCA)of state-owned enterprises in the agreements such as regulation can be reflected.For China,although not signatories,USMCA represents contemporary regional international trade agreements,bench marking is bound to have a profound impact on the development of international trade,the research of "competitive neutrality" clauses in USMCA and analyzed,the rich connotation of China's competitive neutrality rules,is of great significance for China's state-owned enterprises to develop.The content discussed in this paper is based on the detailed combing of the competitive neutrality provisions in the USMCA and the comparative analysis in combination with the TPP agreement and the OECD(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development,hereinafter referred to as OCED).On the basis of the specific problems brought by the reform of state-owned enterprises,this paper puts forward some Suggestions for the reform of state-owned enterprises in China.The first chapter is the introduction,which mainly discusses the relevant background and significance of the research on competitive neutrality.It also summarizes the research status of the rules of competitive neutrality at home and abroad,and then expounds the research methods used in this paper and the innovation points that may be involved.The second chapter discusses the internationalization process of competitive neutral development,and analyzes the treaties before and after the internationalization process.From the perspective of the evolution process of competitive neutrality in the world,this paper analyzes the characteristics and laws of competitive neutrality,so as to pave the way for the following summary of the development trend of competitive neutrality.Chapter three is an analysis of the specific provisions of the agreement.It includes the text introduction of competitive neutrality clauses of USMCA and the interpretation of competitive neutrality clauses of USMCA.Finally,it makes a detailed study of competitive neutrality rules in USMCA,so as to grasp the development trend of competitive neutrality rules.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the opportunities and challenges our country faces under the competitive neutrality clause of USMCA.Combined with the current development trend of competitive neutrality,this paper analyzes the opportunities faced by China's development.Combined with the content of the USMCA competition neutrality clause,this paper discusses the reform dilemma of the current state-owned enterprises.The fifth chapter mainly discusses the enlightenment of the "competitive neutrality" clause to our state-owned enterprises from two aspects.First of all,we should improve China's competition-related legislation,and combine China's national conditions to build the legitimacy review mechanism of competition neutrality rules in line with China's actual situation.Secondly,we should improve the corporate governance of state-owned enterprises,clarify the boundary between the government and state-owned enterprises,further improve the internal governance structure of state-owned enterprises,develop the mixed ownership economy,and further improve the transparency of state-owned enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Competitive Neutrality, USMCA, state-owned enterprise, reform in state-owned enterprises
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