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Influence Of UPR On The Protection Of Women And Children's Social And Economic Rights In South Africa

Posted on:2018-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330620953667Subject:International law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of human rights protection,the voice of the international women and children's rights are higher than before.Over a few years,many countries and the international organization are working together to eliminate the discrimination in age or gender and the violation to women and children's right.Till now,they have gotten the good progress and improved the women and children's social status.Of course,the universal periodic review mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council(it will be called UPR in the following)plays an increasingly important role.As a member of the United Nations,South Africa,it's fulfilling the international obligation actively in accordance with the promise.Since1994,however,the country suffers the historic problems such as serious racial discrimination and colonial oppression,which leads to the violation of women and children's human rights whether in society or economic environment.After the two cycle of UPR,the domestic human rights protection has made rapid progress in South Africa.We believe that the progress is related with the positive influence from UPR.Therefore,this paper will analyze the social and economic rights protection according with the two universal periodic review report and summarize the influence of the mechanism on the protection of the rights of women and children in South Africa,at last,put forward some suggestions on China.This paper is divided into five parts,the first part mainly introduce the background,including the purpose and significance of topics,and the domestic and foreign research about the resent situation and the developing trends;the second part is the basic theory of the universal periodic review mechanism and the definition of the social and economic rights in the mechanism;the third part and the fourth part are based on the consideration of the twice report in South Africa and summarize the review mechanism's influence on the protection of women and children's social and economy rights;the fifth part will be the perspective and suggestion both in China and South Africa.
Keywords/Search Tags:UPR, women and children in South Africa, social and economic rights, influence
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