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Role Of Russian Federation And People's Republic Of China In The Development Of Kyrgyz Republic's Economy

Posted on:2021-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:NURMATOV OSKONBAIFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330620468190Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Being a native,citizen and patriot of the Kyrgyz Republic who wants to contribute to the development of my country,it was not by chance that I chose a study on the topic “The Role of China and the Russian Federation in the Development of the Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic”.This study helped me study and understand what role these two great powers played and play for my country.Despite the fact that the territory of Kyrgyzstan is occupied by mountains by 94%,only less than 6% are plains,the resulting political instability(forced change of power in 2005 and 2010)and the lack of sufficient military force,the Russian Federation and China remain reliable partners of Kyrgyzstan for the past 28 years since the country gained independence.Over the years of cooperation and partnership,as well as to strengthen its position in the Central Asian region and to fight international terrorism,Russia has placed several military facilities in the cities of Tokmak,Kara-Balta,Mailay-Suu and Issyk-Kul Lake in Kyrgyzstan.Numerous agreements and treaties have been signed aimed at developing relations between the two states,most of which are related to the development of the Kyrgyz economy.One example of assistance and contribution to the economy of the Kyrgyz Republic is a grant of Russia free of charge in the amount of $ 150 million,as well as write-off of public debt in the amount of $ 500 million.About 560 joint Kyrgyz-Russian enterprises operate in Kyrgyzstan,including 193 with 100 percent Russian capital.China,in turn,considers Kyrgyzstan as a transit country to expand its foreign economic activity;a partner country for the protection of its border areas and opposition to Uyghur separatism,as well as a country in which it is possible to mine mountain resources: gold,copper,iron and coal.China rehabilitated the Bishkek – Naryn – Torugart and Osh – Sarytash – Irkeshtam roads,as well as 397 Chinese enterprises and 170 other KyrgyzChinese enterprises operating in Kyrgyzstan,which naturally cannot but affect the development of the Kyrgyz economy in positive territory.Today,the EAEU and the SREB are the main tools for developing relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC with Kyrgyzstan,in the framework of which numerous projects have been signed and are being implemented,albeit slowly,aimed at removing Kyrgyzstan from the economic collapse,where the illiterate and inappropriate actions of the Kyrgyz leadership drove it.From the study “The Role of the Russian Federation and China in the Development of the Kyrgyz Economy”,it became clear that Kyrgyzstan has a long way to go to overcome the economic crisis and gain economic stability,but thanks to cooperation and partnership with the Russian Federation and China,this path can become less thorny and more productive.
Keywords/Search Tags:Central Asia, OBOR, economy of Kyrgyzstan, Russia, PRC, partnership, EAEU, cooperation
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