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Research On Legal Issues Of Online Dissemination Of Sports Events

Posted on:2021-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J YanFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,the online broadcast of sports programs has become more and more popular with audiences,and the subsequent infringement and piracy of online media has become increasingly rampant.This article mainly uses case studies to reveal the current attributes and legal protection disputes of sports events.The theoretical and practical circles also have different opinions on the legal protection of sports events.The suggestions given in the author's article are mainly to protect the interests of sports event program rights holders from the aspects of copyright law amendments and strengthening administrative supervision.Among them,the protection of the Copyright Law takes precedence.Although sports event programs are defined as audiovisual works in the revised draft of the Copyright Law,the academic and practical circles are more inclined to identify the attributes of sports event programs as video products.Compared with the complicated and lengthy process of amending the Copyright Law,sports events should be expanded to become the object of broadcast organizer rights,so that the real-time broadcast of live broadcast programs of radio stations and TV stations on the Internet is included in the adjustment scope of information network transmission rights,so that the network broadcasting organization can be covered as the main body of the broadcasting organization.For the behavior of setting up deep links for the pirated broadcast of sports events,the provisions of the Copyright Law on technical measures and the relevant provisions of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law can be adjusted according to the specific circumstances.Although the Anti-Unfair Competition Law's regulation on torts is not detailed enough,it can protect the economic interests of right holders to a certain extent,and not allow the torts to run rampant.Of course,before the revision of the Copyright Law is completed,other ways to regulate the infringement of sports event programs should also be considered.For example,the infringing party and theinfringed party can punish the infringing act through administrative procedures and administrative rules and regulations.Based on the diversified and multi-channel regulatory schemes,future disputes concerning the dissemination of sports events will be properly handled.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sports events, Works, Copyright Law, Broadcaster rights, Information Network Dissemination Right
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