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Research On Copyright Of Live Broadcasting

Posted on:2021-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rise of live webcasting is one of the social phenomena brought about by broadband access and network popularization nowadays.It is mainly manifested in that a considerable number of netizens use computer terminals,television terminals or mobile terminals to acquire live broadcast signals at free time and free place,acquire their favorite program types and watch them according to the broadcast content.The online live broadcast copyright mentioned in this article includes a broad range of copyright including audio and video live broadcast,sports live broadcast and show live broadcast,etc.As there is still controversy over whether such live broadcast is a "work" protected by copyright,the article will focus on the discussion.This article focuses on the copyright of live webcast from the following three aspects.First,starting with the basic connotation of live webcasting,the definition,types and main types of live webcasting are explained so as to determine the basic concepts and characteristics of live webcasting copyright.Second,through the discussion of the case judgment results and the focus of the dispute,we can get the current situation,the existing disputes and the existing problems of the network live broadcasting copyright.Through the research on the meaning of the network live broadcasting copyright law,this paper analyzes whether various live broadcasting acts belong to the category of the object protected by the copyright law,obtains the jurisprudence basis of the network live broadcasting acts protected by the copyright law,and theoretically analyzes that the types of rights that can be protected match the network live broadcasting copyright one by one,trying to get the most appropriate rights with the network live broadcasting copyright.Third,by introducing the current domestic and foreign laws and regulations on the copyright of live webcasting,the status quo and difficulties of the legal operation,this paper tries to analyze the current copyright protection system of live webcasting in China,obtains the current legal operation status and difficulties of the copyright law in the field of live webcasting,analyzes the related disputes that have occurred or may occur in the future,analyzes the works and protectable factors of live webcasting through domestic jurisprudence and the latest research results in related fields abroad,and thinks about when live webcasting constitutes infringement and remedies to solve the disputes that may occur in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Webcast, Copyright, Protective
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