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Research On Management Of Cadres In Zhuanghe City

Posted on:2020-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602953000Subject:Public management
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In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the "Implementation Strategy for Rural Revitalization" and pointed out that "the problem of agricultural and rural peasants is a fundamental issue concerning the national economy and the people's livelihood.We must always solve the problem of "agriculture,rural areas and farmers" as the top priority of the work of the whole party.......Cultivate a 'three rural' work team that understands agriculture,loves the countryside,and loves farmers.Therefore,cultivating and selecting outstanding rural cadres is the key to rural poverty alleviation and rural revitalization strategy.It is an important measure to strengthen party building in rural grassroots,an important driving force for rural poverty alleviation,and an important guide for farmers to learn science and increase profits.power.The Zhuanghe Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government actively carried out the strategic arrangement of the party and the state,and thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on selecting cadres and talents to work in rural areas,and attached great importance to the selection and use of cadres to promote rural revitalization.Adhere to the principle of party management and cadre,and select 216 young cadres of party and government organs and institutions with a career-oriented and fair decent status,and serve as the "first secretary" to townships and villages.It is the first time that a large-scale cadre of Zhuanghe City has served in the rural areas.There is no formal experience in policy formulation,cadre selection,daily supervision,performance appraisal,etc.,and there are still some deficiencies.On the basis of reading a large amount of literature,this paper studies the management methods of government officials in Germany,Britain,Japan and other countries,as well as the theory of human resources management in public departments at home and abroad,combined with the specific practice of selecting cadres in Zhuanghe City.Through the theory of literature reading and face-to-face interviews with several deputy cadres,township leaders and villagers,this paper analyzes the problems existing in the management of the cadres in Zhuanghe City:the responsibilities of sending cadres and cadres to the lower cadres without the combination of village conditions The definition is unclear,the cadres are not used to the fullest extent,and the promotion of local cadres is not enough.The reasons for this are that the cadre management mechanism is not perfect,the rural working conditions are difficult,the cadres' own sense of responsibility is lacking,the lack of overall cadre work,and the long-term planning and assessment process flow form affect the cadres to play their due role.It further draws on the advanced experience of cadre management in other parts of the country,and proposes countermeasures suitable for the management of cadres in Zhuanghe,such as:selecting the needs of each village and the cadres,strengthening the assessment of the cadres and rational use assessment.As a result,optimizing the construction of soft and hard conditions at the workplace,and strengthening the training of local cadres by the local cadres,the lower cadres can play their due role in the existing jobs and make greater efforts to promote rural revitalization.contribution.The ultimate goal of sending cadres is to promote the rural local cadres and peasants to innovate their thinking,improve their work abilities,and change their work style.This will eventually enable all peasants to get rid of poverty and become rich,and rural revitalization and development.This article also analyzes how to "return" the talents of the outflow cadres,so that the village can achieve self-healing,independent and long-term development,achieve common prosperity,and achieve a better life for everyone to share in the countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:Assigned Cadres, Assessment Management, Rural Revitalization
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