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Study On The Attributes And Ownership Of Online Game Screens

Posted on:2021-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602476425Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the forms of entertainment,online games have been developing rapidly in China in recent years,and the total revenue of games and related industries has gradually ranked first in the world.With the high level of consumer entertainment demand quality,the production content and level of online games are constantly enriched and refined.From the original single-player single games to the large-scale online multiplayer games,not only the production technology has changed,but also the content and experience presented to the consumer audience.Therefore,the contents and elements of online game screens are more and more likely to be protected by Copyright Law independently of online games.This possibility is not only derived from the development of online games,but also the result of the continuous concealment of tort means in practice.The worst way to copy the game program code is no longer exist,instead of the audience intuitive feelings of plagiarism,such as rich characters,music background of the network game screen.The reason for the rampant prohibition lies in the absence of legislation and judicature,which leads to the lack of better regulation of this infringement.Nowadays,as one of the preconditions for the protection of online game pictures,the analysis of the content of "work" has reached a consensus,but the problem is how to further identify the work attributes and define the ownership of rights.Therefore,this paper will discuss the attributes of the work of the network game screen and the ownership of rights and other issues,in order to play a small role in better and overall protection of the network game screen.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,the body of the paper is divided into five parts,the main points are as follo:Chapter one defines the basic concept of online games and screens.The theoretical circle believes that online games can be divided into four categories,through the analysis of characteristics and type of network game,the article defines the research object in network battle games and role-playing games.In view of the entertainment game screens and discontinuous,the game as a whole as computer software works to protect,functional games are rare and there is no need to study.And the concept of the network game screen is defined in detail,and the network game live screen is distinguished.The second chapter is about the problems in the identification of the attributes and rights of online games.Due to the absence of legislation and judicature,there are differences between the theoretical and practical circles on the type orientation of online game screen,which directly leads to the unclear content of the right of the work and the imbalance of the main interests caused by the uncertainty of the ownership of the right,and it is difficult to protect the rights when the work is infringed.The third chapter expounds the identification of the attributes of online game screen.This paper analyzes and comments on the different views of the theory circle and the practice circle on the identification of the attributes of online game screen.The author thinks that under the current copyright law of our country,the screen of online games should be classified into the film and the type of film works to be protected.After the copyright law draft takes effect,the screen should be protected as the audiovisual works.The forth chapter mainly discusses the ownership of the copyright of online game screen network.Compared with traditional works,the most important feature of online game pictures is the two-way interactivity,which leads to two different views on the copyright ownership of online game screens,that is,the rights belong to the players or the game developers.However,from the point of view that is conducive to the development of the industry,it is more reasonable for the developer to own the screen rights of online games.The fifth chapter expounds the system design of work attribute and right attribution of online game screen.In the law design,the author added the online game screen works in the extensive enumeration of audiovisual works in item 12,paragraph 2,article 3,of the third draft amendment to the Copyright Law.It adopts the mode stipulation of connotation and epitaxy enumeration.In addition,in article 17,the author has set up the relevant system design that the author of online game screen is the game developer and the copyright belongs to the developer.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Game Screens, Work Attributes, Right Ownership
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