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Research On Xi Jinping's Thoughts About Social Fairness

Posted on:2021-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602475085Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Thought is the light of the times and illuminates the course of the new era.Xi Jinping social fairness thought inherits and develops Marxist thought on social fairness,which is a thought of social fairness with Chinese characteristics combined with China's actual situation.Fairness is the common pursuit of human society and maintaining and realizing social fairness is the fundamental requirement of our socialist system.In this new era,our party has led the people to incorporate the principle of social fairness into socialist construction,meet the new requirements of social development,and created a series of Chinese miracles that have attracted worldwide attention.The paper is Xi Jinping social fairness thought as the research topic,the scientific method is adopted to explore all aspects,the whole paper is composed of three parts.The first part studies the forming process of this topic,absorbed the theoretical spirit of Marx's concept of fairness,drawn rich experience from the leaders of the communist party of China in building social fairness,developed the advanced nature of the China's excellent traditional culture,the thought of social fairness in the new era has taken shape.The second part discusses the scientific connotation,main contents and basic characteristics of Xi Jinping social fairness thought.The main content of the paper includes: Carrying out targeted poverty alleviation and eradication lays a decisive foundation for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects;Promoting social fairness and improving people's well-being is the starting point and goal of comprehensively deepening reform;Comprehensively advancing the rule of law is the fundamental requirement for promoting social fairness;Shared development is the fundamental criterion to test the degree of social fairnss.The basis of expounding the main content,it reveals the four basic characteristics of times,people,law-based and innovation.The third part discusses in detail the theoretical contribution and practical significance of Xi Jinping social fairness thought.The theoretical contribution is: inherited and developed the Marxist thought of fairness;We have innovated the thought of social fairness under socialism with Chinese characteristics;It has laid a theoretical foundation for the formation of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system.The practical significance of the paper includes five aspects: It will help give full play to the leading role of socialist core values;It has provided beneficial enlightenment for the governance of the communist party of China;It provides an important guarantee for establishing a new type of international image of a big country;We have set more clear goals for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects;Help to realize the centenary goals of the Chinese nation.Paper by Xi Jinping social fairness thought was described in detail,shows the leaders of the communist party of China and bear the responsibility,embodies the communist party of China under the new historical conditions governing the advantage,build a good social fairness environment,improve the people's well-being,scientific understanding the development of new historical position in China,leading the Chinese people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to strive for a brilliant achievements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, Social fairness thought, Theoretical contribution, Practical significance
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