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Analysis Of The People's Jury's Participation In The Trial

Posted on:2020-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602468020Subject:Public management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From Shen Jiaben's first mention of "jury" to the current institutional reform of the people's jurors,China's jury has experienced a tortuous process of exploration and initiation,interruption and stagnation,and revival.As an important way for the public to participate directly in the management of state affairs,the people's jury system bears the common aspiration of the Chinese people to realize the rule of law,judicial democracy,safeguarding judicial justice,improving judicial credibility.The participation of people's jurors in trial is the key link of the people's jurors system.The fundamental solution of the problem of participation is related to the success or failure of the reform of the people's jurors system and to the realization of the basic values of judicial democracy,judicial independence,judicial supervision and judicial justice.Up to now,the research on the people's jury system mainly focuses on the theoretical research on the discussion of the value of the system and the development of the system.Professor He Weifang from Peking University once pointed out that the Chinese people's jury system has never lacked theoretical discussion,but empirical research.At the time of the implementation of the pilot reform of the people's.jury system in 2015,Jinjiang People's Court was one of the pilot units in Fujian Province.As a juror,the author chooses Jinjiang People's Court to carry out the reform of the people's juror system as the research object,combines the methods of literature research,observation and investigation,takes the court trial process as the main line,shares the experience of the people's jurors'management in Jinjiang,and deeply studies the people's jurors' participation in the trial.In the problem,determine the criteria for judging the question of participation,and then analyze the crux of the problem of participation.Finally,the author proposes specific countermeasures to solve the problem of people's jury trials from four levels:institutional level,participation subject level,implementation level and technical level,especially how to solve the trial question fundamentally in practice and improve the jury quality,Suggestions on specific measures are proposed.It is worth mentioning that at the technical level,the author combines the current "Internet+" call,put forward specific measures to strengthen the information construction to nnprove the quality of jury,and provide new management methods for the management of people's jurors.
Keywords/Search Tags:People's jurors, Participate injury, Accompany without trial
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