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Research On The Protection Of The Rights And Interests Of The People's Police In Administrative Law Enforcement

Posted on:2020-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YangFull Text:PDF
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In the course of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,the historical orientation of a well-off society is built in a comprehensive way.With the entry of socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era,the Communist Party of China(CPC)is leading the Chinese people to the world with a new look,showing the Chinese plan and showing Chinese wisdom.We should also see that since the 2008 economic crisis,after a long recovery of the world economy,the inflection point of prosperity has finally entered the pain of the economic crisis.The decline of the world economy has caused the global international situation to be turbulent,all of which have a profound impact on the economic development of our country.The CPC Central Committee,with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,has timely carried out a series of reform measures represented by supply-side structural reforms with great political boldness and political courage,so as to guide the Chinese economy.The implementation of this series of measures is like squatting before taking off,saving strength for the future.The drastic and profound changes in international and domestic forms have gradually revealed the contradictions and problems hidden at the deep level,and a large number of people who have been accustomed to staying in the "comfort zone" for a long time are not allowed to face new situations and challenges.These changes from the perspective of public security social management,all increase the overall social instability.It is precisely at this time that our country needs a stable and orderly internal social and economic environment to survive this special period.This is a new mission given by the times to the cause of public security,which poses a new challenge to the work of public security.The outstanding completion of this historical mission can not be separated from the efforts and efforts of every people's police in the public security organs.However,due to excessive arrears in the protection of the rights and interests of the people's police in public security organs,coupled with the impact of the social environment.At present,the administrative law enforcement environment of grass-roots police is becoming more and more serious,and the violations of the normal law enforcement rights and interests of the police occur from time to time,and show an increasing trend year by year,which has to attract our attention and vigilance.The construction of legal society is an important part of the strategy of governing the country according to law.As the main body of law enforcement,the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the police is the basis of normal law enforcement activities and the premise of ensuring the implementation of the law.However,due to the reality of our country and a variety of reasons,the protection in this area is very limited.This paper analyzes the present situation of the law enforcement rights and interests of the people's police in the public security organs,and analyzes the present situation of the laws and regulations,the internal situation of the public security organs and the external environment of the people's police law enforcement,so as to have an overall understanding of the current law enforcement situation of the people's police.Then,the causes of the present situation of law enforcement by the people's police are analyzed from the aspects of the lack and deficiency of laws and regulations,the problems and shortcomings of the people's police themselves,the imperfection of the internal system construction of the public security organs,the drastic change of the social external environment and the heart form brought about by the development of new technology,and so on.Based on the analysis of the present situation and causes of the people's police law enforcement,this paper puts forward the following countermeasures: first,to revise and perfect the laws and regulations;second,to find deficiencies in the internal system of the public security organs;third,to work hard on the ability and quality of the police themselves to improve the comprehensive ability of the police themselves;fourth,to actively adapt to the rapid and profound changes in the external law enforcement environment,to conform to the trend and take advantage of the situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Police Administrative Enforcement of Law, Ppeople's Police, Protection of Rights and Interests
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