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Research Of Education And Training Of Grassroots-Level CPC Members And Cadres In Poor Areas And Suggestions

Posted on:2020-06-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596988254Subject:Public Management
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At the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC),the Party and the central government clearly stated that China will step up its effort to push forward the rural revitalization strategy.However,for its smooth implementation,we must first carry out poverty alleviation and elimination to consolidate the implementation basis for the strategy.In February 2018,the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy,jointly issued by the Central Committee of CPC and the State Council,states that Party members working in rural areas should be encouraged to play an exemplary role in poverty alleviation and elimination.In March of the same year,when participating in the Shandong delegation's deliberation of the government work report,Xi Jinping,general secretary of CPC Central Committee stressed that “brain support for rural revitalization needs intensifying,and a strong contingentof talents committed to the strategy should be built up.” Any undertaking hinges upon people's effort.Poor villages are the main battlefield for poverty alleviation and implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.In the process,grassroots-level Party members and cadres lead,participate in and supervise policies and guidelines,so they play an important part not to be underestimated in industrial development,rural grassroots-level governance,environmental protection and other fields.Whether they are competent or not has a direct impact on the outcome of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.Thus,how to draw more talents to working in rural areas is an issue badly in need of research.Educating and training officials is an effective and fundamental means to train a contingent of competent cadres.Hence,the author holds that it is highly necessary to strengthen education and training of rural grassroots-level Party members and cadres.L County is one of the ten counties stricken by extreme poverty in Shanxi Province,with 57% of its population employed in farming and41% of its CPC members in rural areas.Since the 18 th National Congress of CPC,the county Party committee and government have implemented in earnest the Regulations on the Work of Educating and Training Cadres,and,combining with its own conditions,made the Implementation Measures for Cadres Education and Training in L County from 2014 to2017.It has attached great importance to and carried out earnestly thework,and so its cadres at all levels,especially those working at the rural grassroots level,have seen their capabilities improve.However,as the economy and society advances rapidly,rural residents have an ever-increasing need for a better life.This raised a higher requirement of Party members and cadres' capabilities,in terms of problem solving,contradictions resolving,mass work and leading people to wealth.Moreover,rural CPC members and cadres usually are relatively old in age,haven't received higher education,fall behind in development concepts,and have an inadequate knowledge reserve of agricultural technology,economy,and laws.This situation to some extent affects the smooth progress of rural revitalization and poverty alleviation.Therefore,it is necessary to analyze the new situation and problems confronting the work on educating and training Party members and cadres in poor rural areas,update their work concepts,enhance investigations and researches,and create new ways and means to ensure the effectiveness of education.This paper makes a case study of the situation of education and training of cadres in the extremely poor L county in Lvliang City.It takes rural grassroots-level CPC members and cadres as the research object,sticks to the problem-oriented approach,and collects collect the first-hand information through consulting literature,distributing questionnaires and conducting on-site visits.Then it analyzes the advanced practices,innovative highlights,valuable experiences and problems in terms ofofficials' education and training in L county.By applying the human capital theory,target management theory and other theories to in-depth analyses,the paper abstracts key factors influencing effectiveness of the education and training,and puts forward practical,useful and instructive recommended measures.These can continuously improve the education effect,promote the sound development of cadres' education and training,and effectively strengthen the overall quality of CPC members and cadres in poor villages,thereby providing intellectual support for L County to win the battle against poverty and successfully implement the rural revitalization strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poor Areas, Rural Grassroots-level CPC Members and Cadres, Education and Training, Current Situation and Suggestions
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