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Study On Legal Issues Of Cryptocurrency

Posted on:2020-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Z LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of finance and technology,cryptocurrency has become a new favorite in the investment market,which sets off a new wave of investment boom.Since it launched in 2008,cryptocurrency led by bitcoin has been the focus of discussions among the public,media,investment companies,banks and governments.Cryptocurrency revolutionizes the role of middleman and enables secure transactions between strangers.With the continuous emergence of cryptocurrency,many original business operation modes existing in the legal currency economic system will undergo disruptive changes under the cryptocurrency economic system.In this context,many people do not have an accurate understanding of the concept of cryptocurrency.And it is difficult for many people to clarify the relationship between cryptocurrency,legal tender,digital currency,virtual currency and electronic currency,which is extremely detrimental to the correct understanding of cryptocurrency.Compared with traditional currencies,cryptocurrency has its own advantages,such as decentralization,encryption and non-tampering.However,these advantages also give rise to many problems,such as legal issues of cryptocurrency,It elaborates on the legitimacy,legal properties,trading platform,supervision and money laundering problems of cryptocurrency and so on.This thesis is divided into four chapters to study the legal issues of cryptocurrency.The first chapter is an overview of cryptocurrency.elaborating on the origin of cryptocurrency and defining its scope,and clarifying its relationship with legal currency,digital currency,virtual currency and electronic currency.Confirm the legal nature of cryptocurrency by analyzing the nature and function of currency and the nature and characteristics of property.The second chapter introduces the current situation of cryptocurrency.which is an analysis of typical legal issues of cryptocurrency.It elaborates on the legitimacy,legal properties,trading platform,supervision and money laundering problems of cryptocurrency.The third chapter mainly describes the current legislation situation in the field of cryptocurrency at home and abroad,.This chapter mainly introduces the legislative provisions of the United States,Germany,the United Kingdom and Japan and China in the field of cryptocurrency,and puts forward legislative experience for China to use for reference bysummarizing and comparing.The fourth chapter is a feasible proposal for the legal issues of cryptocurrency,which is an answer to the questions raised in the second chapter of this paper.It systematically summarizes the foreign legislative experience used for reference in the third chapter,and specifically expounds the legislative suggestions of the author on prominent problems in the field of cryptocurrency.
Keywords/Search Tags:cryptocurrency, digital currency, virtual property, legal issues
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