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Research On The Adverse Effects Of The Vulgarization Of News Application On Adolescents Under Algorithm Recommendation Mechanism

Posted on:2020-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Internet technology,the application of recommendation algorithms in the news industry has become a phenomenal practice.The algorithm recommendation brings great convenience to people to obtain information,but at the same time,there are also lots of problems such as the proliferation of vulgar content.Different from the traditional vulgarity of the mass media,Technology-based algorithm recommendations continuously push news based on user interest,The result may be that the vulgar content is more and more watched and intensified,so it is more harmful.As news application users,teenagers show some characteristics when using the news application,such as the blindness of information selection,the entertainment of browsing purposes.Because of the lack of rational maturity in adolescence,and their dependence and recognition on mobile phones,they are susceptible to the bad influence of the news application's vulgar content.Therefore,this paper uses scientific methods such as model analysis,questionnaire survey,in-depth interview,case analysis,and based on Walter Lippmann's "Pseudo-environment" Theory in communication and the Observational Learning Theory of Albert Bandura in psychology,to analysis the "observation learning" of teenagers under the "Pseudo-environment" of the vulgar information of news application,exploring the adverse effects that it may bring to young people,and from the perspective of algorithms,explore how to avoid vulgar content,and propose algorithmic improvement solutions for young users to promote problem solving.The bad influence of news application's vulgar content on adolescent mental health mainly includes money concept,life view and aesthetics.In terms of thinking ability,teenagers are at the critical stage of learning knowledge,expanding thinking and vision,and vulgar under the algorithm mechanism,the "Information Cocoons" of vulgar content under the algorithm recommendation mechanism may have an adverse effect on the thinking ability of adolescents.Marxist philosophy believes that the accumulation of quantitative changes to a certain extent will cause qualitative changes.Under the algorithm recommendation mechanism,if adolescents continue to have a large amount of contact with vulgar content,as the number of readings increases and the time increases,it will make them feel comfortable adapting to these,and it is easy to unconsciously turn to the vulgar content to identify with them,so that the teenagers gradually change their moral judgment standards,which may affect their behavior.In order to reduce the negative impact of the vulgarization of news application content on teenagers,the author proposes improvement measures from the aspects of platform,government and algorithm technology.In terms of the improvement of algorithm technology,the author added a feedback mechanism to the recommended system model,improved the design rules for the three commonly used recommendation algorithms,implementing an intervention reminder mechanism for teenagers and a differentiated push strategy for hierarchical stratification,thus weakening the negative influence of news application content vulgarization on teenagers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Algorithm recommendation, News Application, Vulgarization, Adolescents, Adverse Effects
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