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Research On The Ideological And Political Education Implications Of The Communist Manifesto

Posted on:2020-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596970633Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Communist Manifesto(hereinafter referred to as The Manifesto)is the most widely disseminated and most far-reaching work in all socialist literature,its publication marked the birth of Marxism.What made The Manifesto a common platform for millions of workers from Siberia to California was its depth of thought,clarity of thought,and infectious language,also because it fits the real life and ideological needs of the masses of workers,the workers can accept the way of discourse to spread the theory,so that the proletariat's class consciousness from spontaneous to conscious,The Manifesto itself is a classic model of Marxist ideological and political education.170 years after the publication of The Manifesto,based on the basic category and concept system of modern ideological and political pedagogy,we can "re-see" the rich and incisive ideological and political education ideas contained in The Manifesto,shining and never fading.For the contemporary ideological and political pedagogy which is still being explored and developed,the ideological and political education implication of The Manifesto should be a kind of support and reference.Revealing the position,viewpoint and method of ideological and political education,we may have a glimpse of the magnificence and profoundness of proletarian education and practice nearly two hundred years ago.It is helpful to deepen the study of ideological and political education in the classical literature of Marxism and to improve the theory of ideological and political education.The meaning of ideological and political education in The Manifesto does not come into being in a vacuum.Exploring the foundation of ideological and political education thought in The Manifesto needs to return to the literature background,historical practice and ideological origin.The historical motivation of the creation of The Manifesto and its transcendence of the mode of "explaining the world",the realistic and ideological needs of the class struggle of the proletarian political party,the main contribution of early Marx and Engels 'theory of ideological and political education.All these laid an important foundation for the presentation of ideological and political education in The Manifesto.The ruling ideology of any era is that of the ruling class,the proletariat wants the most radical break with "traditional ideas",the core of proletarian ideological and political education is class consciousness education,firm criticism of various social trends,the free and comprehensive development of everyone is the ultimate goal of ideological and political education,these constitute the core ideas of ideological and political education in The Manifesto.Based on the interpretation of the core point of view,further refine the underlying ideological and political education methods and principles.To this day,the "lightning of ideas" in The Manifesto can still "completely hit" the "people's garden" of ideological and political education in the new era.Relying on the ideological connotation of ideological and political education in The Manifesto and based on the realistic situation of contemporary ideological and political education,from the applicability of the class analysis method,the construction of the mainstream ideology,the study of the social trend of thought,the effectiveness of theoretical education and other aspects,the contemporary enlightenment of ideological and political education in The Manifesto is explored,so as to realize the interaction between classical literature and frontier issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Communist Manifesto, Ideological and political education, Ideological education, Marxist theory education
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