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Locke's View Of Government

Posted on:2020-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596485346Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
John Locke,a famous British philosopher in the 17 th century,used empirical epistemology to put forward political theory such as social contract and limited government.As one of the most influential Western liberal representatives in the Enlightenment period,the iconic figure of the British emerging bourgeoisie,Locke's independence and critical spirit and liberalism all fit the political needs and revolutionary process of British society at that time.After the end of the bourgeois revolution,due to the rise and development of the modern nation-state,the demands for freedom are constantly coming to the fore.How to establish an authority,safeguard individual freedom and limit the infinity of government power has become a major issue in nation-building.Facing the double-faced demands of modern countries,Locke conducted political thinking and analysis based on the interests of bourgeoisie and political reality on the establishment of modern government system and the pursuit of human freedom spirit,and constructed a modern government theory based on liberalism.It laid the basic principles of a modern constitutional state.Locke proposed to build the government by means of social contract,and created a limited government theory with the purpose of safeguarding individual rights and operating by law and decentralization,and made the initial political expression of liberalism on the national issue.Locke's theory of decentralization opened the way for Western modern power restriction thinking.His theory of limited government laid the theoretical foundation for the development of Western constitutionalism.Although Locke's concept of government has made a positive contribution to the establishment of a Western government system,any theory has its limitations.The limited government theory proposed by Locke,while restricting the power of the government,ignores the “limited” The trade-off between the “effective” relationship neglects the balance between the different social values of “freedom” and “rule of law”,“freedom” and “authority”,“freedom” and “goodness”.The Locke government view has profound enlightenment on the construction of modern countries and state governance.First of all,it is necessary to correct the negative perception of the government and reshape the sense of government identity of citizens.This is the logical basis for promoting governance for the people.Secondly,putting the interests of the people in the first place and protecting the interests and rights of the people is the promotion of service-oriented government in China.Building and realizing the inherent requirements of building the party for the public;at the same time,strengthening the restriction and supervision of the government's "public power" is an important starting point for the reform of the administrative system,and is the way to achieve anti-corruption;and finally,building a government under the rule of law is to improve government governance.And the main driving force for national modernization.Locke laid the foundation of modern government theory,but he has a negative attitude towards human nature,can not scientifically reveal the nature of human nature,his negative government concept can not cope with complex and changeable national governance issues,thus realizing government reform And provide strong guidance for national governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Locke, Liberalism, Concept of government, Limited government, Social contract
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