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Research On The Problem Of QR Code Crime In China

Posted on:2020-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596468916Subject:Public security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of mobile networking technology offers great convenience to people's lives.As an important access method,QR Code(abbreviated from Quick Response Code)rapidly promotes the development of internet industry,as well as various other fields,such as politics,economy,culture,etc.However,as QR code keeps gaining its popularity,so does its threat because of its innate wide-spreading features of information dissemination and media for mobile payment.Nowadays,a variety of illegal,even criminal problems have arisen from the abusive use of QR code.These problems disturb social orders and even threaten the public security.Understanding the nature and characteristics of crimes involving QR Code,its main criminal typology and its specific criminal behaviors is the basis for effective controlling and prevention of crimes involving QR Code.Taking the current situation in China under consideration,the study combines specific cases of this kind,theories and research methods from criminology and other disciplines to analyze crimes concerning QR Code in order to discover its main underlying motivations,and to propose practical operation suggestions in preventing,controlling and sanctioning crimes of this kind.The thesis can be divided into five parts:The first part is the introduction of the research background,research significance,research methods of the study and literature review.The second part includes the definition of QR Code crimes,the research field and research objects of the current study.Based on three hundred and forty-six criminal cases ranging from 2013 to 2018 collected from,and their specific criminal behaviors are analyzed.The third part involves data analysis.More specifically,based on the previously mentioned criminal cases and the analytic tool of SPSS software,we conduct an descriptive analysis and collect various analytic data,including the total number of crimes involved QR Code,portions of different criminal types,criminal situations,criminal behaviors,consequences and the perpetrators,which,in sum,provides us with a clear and whole knowledge of QR Code crimes.The fourth part is the motivation analysis underlying crimes exploiting QR Code in the light of systematic motivation of crimes.Through the analysis above,we propose that there are multiple reasons underlie the current situation,weakness in social mechanism and supervision,including social factors,such as the imperfect law and regulations,technological bugs and various individual factors,which totally constitute a systematic and multilevel criminal motivation.The fifth part is the proposal of prevention and controlling strategies,which include improving the current laws,regulations,and social control mechanism,strengthening supervision and sanctioning,improving technology,reducing and eliminating criminal motivations,as well as educating and improving people's awareness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Two-dimensional code crime, Behavior, Cause of crime, Prevention and control measures
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