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Legal Protection Of Financial Consumers' Information Right

Posted on:2019-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction,which mainly states that many countries have strengthened the protection of financial consumers,and the protection of information rights is the focus of protection.The second part is about the definition of information rights.This part first defines the concept of financial consumers,and then analyzes several basic concepts related to it and discusses what should be included in information rights in respect of financial consumer protection.The third part analyzes the current situation of the protection of personal information in China,and finds out that the phenomenon of infringement of personal information in China is serious,and with the advancement of technology,this situation may further intensify,and China's relevant legislation has many deficiencies,such as a low level of effectiveness and narrow protection scope,which cannot solve the current problems well.The fourth part mainly discusses how to improve the protection of information rights.This article believesthat from the perspective of balancing of interests,priority should be given to information protection between information protection and information utilization.On the premise of clarifying the priority of information protection,the appropriate path is to establish a basic information right protection system first,and then build a corresponding information right protection system based on the characteristics of the financial consumption field,and ultimately implement financial protection through a multi-dimensional system.
Keywords/Search Tags:financial consumer, balance of interests, information right
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