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The Change Of Marx's State Theory And Its Contemporary Significance

Posted on:2020-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575993173Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx's state theory is not only an important part of his philosophical thinking,but also an important part of historical materialism.Although Marx did not completely and systematically discuss his state theory,his expression and understanding of the state are more or less scattered in the texts of his various periods.Therefore,it is necessary to carry out a logical combing and systematic description of Marx's state theory,and extract the true connotation and essential attributes of the country.At the same time,in the era of increasingly turbulent globalization,studying Marx's state theory has played a crucial role in solving the real problems facing the country today.Therefore,studying Marx's state theory is aimed at clarifying its state theory.From the historical logic of production to maturity,on the other hand,it aims to provide targeted guidance for the development of today's real countries.The traditional state theory laid a historic foundation for the emergence of Marx's state theory.It is through the critique of traditional state theory that Marx realizes the transcendence of his own state theory.The theory of natural law advocated by Western philosophers profoundly influenced Marx,including the national theories of Rousseau,Locke,and Fichte.The revolutionary nature of Marx's theory of his country is reflected in Marx's view of the state from a practical point of view.In his criticism of Hegel,Marx pointed out that Hegel separates civil society from political state,and also reverses the relationship between private property and state power.In his critique of the young Hegelians,Marx made a profound critique of Lugar,Stirner and Hess,and believed that his idealist national view concealed the truth of the country.In general,the revolutionary nature of Marx's state theory is reflected in its critical spirit.The formation of Marx's state theory is not achieved overnight,but is gradually formed through the examination of real problems.From the beginning,the material interests plagued Marx,and later Marx discovered that economic relations was the fundamental factor determining the country,and finally proposed the idea of establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat.Marx's state theory has experienced several turning points,and grasping these logical nodes is the key to clarifying the emergence and development of Marx's state theory.The essence of the state is actually a product of inevitability in the development of human history.Marx believes that precisely because of the irreconcilable contradiction in human society,the conflict of interest between different classes has reached an unsolvable level,so the country came into being.The emergence of the state is to maintain the interests of the ruler's own class and is therefore of a violent nature.After the country is born,there must be a class struggle within it,and the proletariat will inevitably win victory in the class struggle.Therefore,the replacement of the bourgeois state will be the dictatorship of the proletariat,and the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat will be the communist society of the present stage.The form of the transition.In the current era,Marx's state theory still has extremely important practical significance.Studying Marx's state theory,first of all,further consolidating the basic content and historical status of historical materialism;secondly,it can re-examine the relationship between the state and society in the perspective of globalization.Finally,it can provide persuasive evidence for the existence of a socialist country and further guide the development of the socialist countries in the current era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, state theory, change, contemporary significance
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