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Marx's Critique Of The Alienation Of Science And Technology And The Ecological Path Of Its Dissolution

Posted on:2020-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575479144Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Science and technology have a dual effect: on the one hand,science and technology are important elements of social step,an important means of realizing natural humanization,and a booster for the integration of natural history and human history;On the other hand,science and technology will also be alienated and lead to ecological crisis.Based on Marx's theoretical perspective,this paper criticizes the alienation of science and technology and points out that the ecological consequence of the alienation of science and technology is that science and technology have evolved into an external and alien force in the process of development,It has caused harm to the survival and development of human beings and the physical and mental health of individual life,resulting in the alienation of human beings;The plunder,pollution and destruction of nature lead to natural imbalances and natural alienation.The alienation of human beings and the alienation of nature have finally formed an ecological crisis.Through the analysis of the "dual effect" of science and technology,this paper points out that the reason for the alienation of science and technology is not the science and technology itself,but the root of the capitalist system dominated by capital logic.Therefore,criticizing the alienation of science and technology and analyzing the ecological problems brought about by the alienation of science and technology need to be questioned and criticized from the institutional roots of the alienation of science and technology.Science and technology under the control of capital logic will inevitably become a tool for enslaving people and destroying ecological balance,generating alienation of science and technology,causing alienation of human beings and natural alienation,and forming a comprehensive ecological crisis.Marx's conceptual path to the alienation of science and technology is to change from the roots of the system,to achieve the harmony between man and nature and the harmony between man and society to realize the free and all-round development of human beings to resolve the ecological crisis.Realizing the ecological turn of science and technology is an important realistic ecological path to eliminate the ecological crisis caused by the alienation of science and technology: Realize the transformation of traditional development mode,realize the ecological development of science and technology from the technically operable level;develop green ecological economy,and realize sustainable economic development from the development concept and road.Marx's critique of the alienation of science and technology implies an important purpose of realizing the symbiosis between man and nature and establishing a beautiful and harmonious beautiful society.It has important theoretical value and realistic ecological significance for how to eliminate the ecological crisis in the contemporary era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology alienation, Capital logic, Ecological turn
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