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Enlightenment Of Marx's Communication Theory To "The Belt And Road"

Posted on:2020-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575475681Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's society,with the in-depth development of globalization,the exchanges between countries are increasingly close and the interdependence is increasingly deepening.The world is stepping into a society of universal exchanges."The Belt and Road" construction idea is put forward in this context.The concept of "The Belt and Road" embodies China's active participation in the top-level design of global and regional governance,and its commitment to maintaining world peace and promoting common development.It inherits and carries forward the fine traditions of the ancient silk road and upholds the concept of openness,inclusiveness,mutual learning among civilizations and mutual benefit.The communication problem is the key problem that Marx pays attention to all his life,Marx discovered the importance of communication in the process of establishing historical materialism,and expounded the communication theory systematically from the concept,nature and function of communication.Today's era is very different from that of Marx and Engels,but it does not mean that Marx's communication theory is outdated.Marx scientifically predicted that the human society would transform the national history into the world history with the increasingly perfect production mode,communication and division of labor.Nowadays,with the advancement of globalization,the world has become an increasingly interconnected community,which further verifies the advanced and scientific nature of Marx's communication theory.This article mainly elaborates from the following three parts:The first part mainly outlines the development context and main contents of Marx's communication theory.This paper divides the development process of communication theory into the embryonic stage,the establishment stage,the verification stage and the development stage,which clearly presents the development thread of communication theory.Then it elaborates the main contents of Marx's communication theory from three aspects: the relationship between communication and production,the relationship between communication and society,and the relationship between communication and people.The second part expounds that the construction thought of "The Belt and Road" is the new development of Marx's communication theory.Firstly,it introduces the historical origin,domestic and foreign background and connotation of "The Belt and Road".Secondly,"The Belt and Road" construction thought is the enrichment and development of Marx's communication theory.The construction of "The Belt and Road" is conducive to promoting the development of China and the world economy,actively guiding the safe and effective export of domestic capital,activating social capital and promoting capital "going out",thus creating a new pattern of China's foreign economic exchanges.At the same time,"The Belt and Road" will be a new driving force for world economic development under the international background of world economic downturn and sluggish economic recovery."The Belt and Road" construction is conducive to promoting the in-depth development of globalization."The Belt and Road" model of common development and win-win development creates a new model of mutually beneficial and win-win international exchanges and is conducive to the formation of world history.The construction of "The Belt and Road" is conducive to the all-round development of human beings.Only by building a community with a Shared future for mankind can the all-round development of human beings be truly realized.And "The Belt and Road" is the great practice of building a community with a Shared future for mankind.The third part firstly analyzes the practical dilemma of "The Belt and Road" construction from the perspective of Marx's communication theory.First,misleading public opinions and poor policy communication among major countries have affected political exchanges.Second,most of the countries along the belt and road are developing countries.At the same time,trade and investment are not balanced and the structure is not reasonable.Third,there are great historical and cultural differences.The collision of diverse cultures results in the deviation of value cognition,the lack of in-depth people-to-people and cultural exchanges,and the insufficient two-way and interactive nature of cultural exchanges.Secondly,it analyzes the enlightenment of Marx's communication theory to "The Belt and Road" construction.First,strengthen trust building and set the right policy direction and intention.Conduct differentiated consultation and build a multi-level policy communication system.Second,share China's experience in infrastructure construction and establish a new type of multilateral development finance institution.We will strengthen regional cooperation and promote trade facilitation.Third,expand cultural exchanges and mutual trust and jointly build cross-cultural value identity.Adhere to the human text,deepen the two-way cultural understanding.The purpose of "The Belt and Road" is to build regional cooperative partnership and promote all-round exchanges and cooperation among countries along the belt and road in political,economic,cultural,social,ecological and other aspects,which is highly consistent with the universal exchanges in Marx's communication theory.Therefore,from the perspective of Marx's communication theory,the essence of"The Belt and Road" construction is communication.Marx's communication theory provides a strong theoretical support for us to better promote the development of "The Belt and Road"" construction.On the one hand,Marx's communication theory shows that the world will eventually become a world of universal communication."Area" construction is strategy in the new period of opening to the outside world,China is a new kind of communication way,its advocacy of peaceful development,win-win cooperation and mutual support of diplomatic idea,is the essence of China's development in the new period with countries around the world,to carry out and implement it,will benefit along the peripheral countries and regions,will promote the world's universal association.On the other hand,Marx's communication theory provides us with new ideas to solve the problems in the process of"The Belt and Road" construction."Area" construction involves a number of countries,each country has different conditions and problems,some problem not only involves a country to many countries and even the interests of the world,this requires that we must attach much importance to the exchanges and cooperation between countries,only a comprehensive range of connectivity to deal with these global problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, communication theory, "The Belt and Road", enlightenment
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