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Research On The Optimization Strategy Of The Construction Of Mongolia Electronic Government

Posted on:2019-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q G T E R B I S H T S E T Full Text:PDF
GTID:2416330569496949Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
E-government is a means of using technology to change the way of government service.E-government has a positive effect on optimizing government office efficiency.Many countries in the world are promoting the construction of e-government in order to create efficient,convenient and fast service.The construction of e-government has become an inevitable trend,which not only helps to improve the public's support for the government,but also helps to improve the government's office efficiency and optimize government services.Mongolia in electronic government construction started late,but development faster,in terms of supporting the construction of electronic government has introduced a lot of laws and regulations,while not perfect,but for the early development of electronic government of Mongolia has the very good constraint function.At present,online services,the government has to provide the government of Mongolia and can ensure the security of information,but there are also some problems,such as: electronic government professional talent shortage,the lack of a unified national standardization strategy,information technology national information security,electronic government service consciousness is not strong and so on.These problems restrict the further development of Mongolian e-government.First of all,improve the coordination mechanism of e-government construction in Mongolia.It mainly includes improving the construction mechanism of Mongolian e-government,strengthening the construction of information security,and the system of electronic government supervision.Secondly,we should improve the service consciousness,improve the communication efficiency of the platform,pay attention to the construction of e-government of the grass-roots government of the people,and carry out e-government construction according to local differences.Finally,it is necessary to innovate the e-government development model with the concept of standardization,and pay attention to the construction of e-government with innovative and democratic participation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongolia e-government, Efficiency optimization, Revelation of international e-government, Optimize e-government
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