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On The Legal Regulation Of Internet Transaction Fraud In China

Posted on:2018-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the economic development and technological progress,network transactions has been deep into people's lives which enriched the way people deal,to meet the needs of people's transactions.But the emergence of anything hasatwo-sided,online transactions not only brought the convenience but also brought a lot of problems.Internet transaction fraud is one of the performance of online transaction fraud with the Internet virtual and technical characteristics of the two violations of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers,and the means of fraud with the continuous progress of science and technology with each passing day.According to the existing legal system has been difficult to meet the needs of consumers to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.Therefore,through this network transaction fraud and legal research,the article puts forward the relevant suggestions to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and the steady development of the network trading environment.This paper mainly studies the characteristics of online transaction fraud and the current legal regulation of our country.Through the comparison between the actual case and the legislation we find that there are many problems in the regulation of network transaction fraud such as the poor supervision of the network transaction platform Difficult to determine evidence is difficult to obtain etc.which are hindering the healthy and orderly development of the online market an important issue.By studying the laws of some developed countries in the e-commerce industry the author finds out some excellent things stipulated by the author.We should draw lessons from the successful experiences of other countries in regulating the fraud of network transactions and formulate specific rules in line with our national conditions.At the end of this paper the author also puts forward some suggestions which aims to strengthen the sense of responsibility of the network trading platform improve the integrity of the network operators business philosophy reduce network transactions fraud promote the healthy development of trading market.
Keywords/Search Tags:network transaction fraud, trading platform, credit system
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