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Research On The Theoretical Contribution Of Chinese Culture To Sinicization Of Marxism

Posted on:2019-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548984883Subject:Marxism in China
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Chinese Culture is an organ newspaper of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area Cultural Association during the period of Yanan.It was an important comprehensive theoretical publication at that time.The journal reflects the interpretation of the basic principles of Marxism theory,the answers to practical questions,the exploration of the basic theory to sinicization of Marxism and the innovation of academic sinicization of Marxism.Contributions have an important position in the history of Chinese modern newspapers and periodicals and the history of Marxism in China.It has an important position in the history of Chinese modern newspapers and periodicals and the history of sinicization of Marxism.This article consists of three sections: foreword,main body and conclusion.The foreword gives a brief overview of the reasons for this topic,the academic research situation and methods,and so on.The main body from analyzing the basic situation of this publication and the basic viewpoints of the main authors of this journal on the study of sinicization of Marxism.It consists of five sections,as follow:The first part focuses on the analysis of the founding issue of China Culture and the main authors.Adapt to the continuous development of the anti-Japanese situation,promote the self-cultural development of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region,and reject all kinds of erroneous ideas,and promote the need for cultural construction during the War of Resistance,the CPC Central Committee decided to strengthen the links between the Yan'an cultural community and the outside world and expand the CPC Central Committee Cultural Work Committee.Publication of Chinese Culture in order to unite all anti-Japanese cultural forces inside and outside the party,actively promote the formation of a united front for anti-Japanese culture,strengthen the contact and management of intellectuals and young students in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region,and promote the cultural construction and education of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.To develop and resist all kinds of erroneous ideas and consolidate the status of the cultural center of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.The main authors of the journal have broughttogether important party leaders including Mao Zedong and Zhang Wentian,as well as outstanding academic theorists inside and outside the party including Ai Siqi,Wu Yuzhang and Mao Dun.They played an important role in promoting the study of sinicization of Marxism.The second part focuses on the interpretation of the basic principles of Marxism in Chinese Culture.It is mainly divided into three aspects.The first is the systematic interpretation of the concept of philosophy and dialectical materialism in Marxist philosophy;the second is the introduction of the relevant principles of historical materialism in the way of translation,introduction and creation;and the third is the explanation of the proletariat characteristics of political economy and the Capita research methods.The third part focuses on the discussion of the basic theoretical issues of sinicization of Marxism in Chinese Culture,which mainly includes the necessity,possibility,connotation and specific realization of sinicization of Marxism.The fourth part focuses on the answers to China's real problems in Chinese Culture.It mainly proposes a new democratic revolutionary theory to answer the questions of how to achieve a new democracy in semi-colonial and semi-feudal China where politics,economy and culture are extremely backward.The victory of the revolution and the issue of the independence of the Chinese nation and the liberation of the people.Due to the characteristics of the Chinese Culture newspaper itself,it focuses on how to carry out a new cultural construction campaign in terms of culture.The fifth part focuses on the contemporary enlightenment of Chinese Culture in advancing the sinicization of Marxism.First of all,adhere to the guidance of scientific theories;secondly,persist in problem orientation;finally,persist in continuous innovation.The conclusion is a brief summary of the central idea of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Culture, sinicization of Marxism, theoretical contributions
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