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Marx's Critique Of Religion And It's Contemporary Enlightenment

Posted on:2019-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548974988Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Religious criticism has always been an important topic of concern to Western philosophers since modern times.On the basis of abandoning predecessors' thoughts,Marx gradually formed his own materialist religious critical thoughts,and it occupies a very important position in its entire ideological system.In recent years,many new phenomena and new issues have emerged in the religious field.In order to correctly analyze the new religion situation and effectively guide religious work in our country,it has great theoretical and practical significance to study Marx's religious critical thought.In order to form a systematic and comprehensive grasp of the content of Marx's religious critical thinking,this article focuses on the main content of Marx's religious critical thought,and explores its formation background,formation process,and theoretical origins,hoping to provide realistic insights to correctly handle the problems in our contemporary religion.This paper is divided into four parts,the specific content is as follows:The first part:Explain the research background,research purpose and significance of this article,analyze the research status and development trend of Marxist religious critical thought at home and abroad,introduce the research method and innovation of this article.The second part:Analyzes and systematically analyzes and forms the background and formation process of Marxist religious critical thoughts,and lays the foundation for a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of Marx's religious critical thoughts.The third part:Through in-depth excavation of Marx's criticism of the nature of religion,the origin of religion,the law of religion development,and the function of religion,a comprehensive and systematic understanding of religion,mastering Marxist religious critiques and methods,it lays the theoretical foundation for the study of contemporary enlightenment of Marxist religious critical thought.The fourth part:Based on the new situation in our country's religious field and according to the main content of Marx's religious critical thinking,combined with the actual situation of China's current social development,this section specifically proposes four practical implications:to overcome the alienated nature of religion,strengthen the guidance of religion,eliminate religious roots and replace.Focus on strengthening the guidance of religion,committing itself to realizing the people's real happiness,emphasizing the overall improvement of people's life quality and level,it provides direction for our country's religion work.In short,this article not only gives a comprehensive grasp of Marx's religious critical thinking in both vertical and horizontal directions.Moreover,aiming at the new situation in the field of religion in our country,the article proposes for the first time that the purpose of overcoming the alienating nature of religion,strengthening the guidance of religion,eliminating the religious roots,and replacing the function of religion are of some theoretical and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Religion Criticism, Contemporary Enlightenment
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