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On The Combination Of Traditional Investigation Measures And New Investigation Measures

Posted on:2019-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F LiuFull Text:PDF
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Investigation measures are constantly developing and perfect in the practice of investigation.With the progress of society and the development of science and technology,some of the original investigation measures have been given new contents.Some new investigation measures have been continuously summed up,created and formed A rich system of investigation measures.According to the current development of our country's investigation practice as well as the differences in scientific and technological content,the investigation measures can be divided into the traditional investigation measures and the new investigation measures.The traditional investigation measures refer to the manpower-intensive,less-or-not-used detection measures of scientific and technological means and equipment,which are often used by investigating authorities in the process of investigating and solving crimes,in order to identify the facts,collect evidence and prove crimes,such as site investigation,Line up,investigation visit,identification and so on.The new investigation measures refer to the investigative measures that the investigating organ uses the modern scientific knowledge and methods in the course of investigating and handling cases,using high-tech equipment and high-tech means such as online platoon mobilization,online pursuit and video investigation.Traditional investigation measures and new investigation measures each have advantages and disadvantages.For traditional investigation measures,its high utilization rate in the investigation is the basis of criminal investigation work.Compared with the new investigation measures,it is more flexible,easier to operate,more open and mass,and the obtained evidence is more direct.However,the cost of investigating manpower is high and the investigation is not detailed enough.The timeliness is far less than the new investigation measures,and the rate of return is also greatly reduced.In the face of some new types of crimes,the traditional investigation measures appear to be stretched in the detection of cases and are in an awkward position.The new investigation measures are highly technical and greatly raise the level and effectiveness of investigation,bringing more opportunities for the development of criminal investigation work,and are invisible and secretive.However,there are some shortcomings in the new investigation measures,such as higher professional requirements on investigators and higher demand for capital investment,which can not be universally promoted."Tradition" and "new type" are not totally different.The traditional investigation measures are the foundation and the fundamental ones.The new investigation measures are the tip of the knife and the blade.Both of them are responses of different levels of investigation and technology respectively,but serve essentially the detection Forensics is a powerful weapon for investigating crimes.The relationship between the traditional investigation measures and the new investigation measures is to promote each other and complement each other;mutual cooperation,expand and upgrade.Both support each other,with organic,flexible use to receive miraculous,to maximize the benefits of investigation.The current traditional investigation measures and the application of new investigation measures are not suitable for the application of fatigue,the implementation of blocked,the use of inappropriate status quo.At the same time,it also faces some dilemmas: First,there are deviations in the applicable concepts of the investigation measures;Second,the traditional investigation measures are gradually marginalized in the investigation;Third,the investigative personnel's ability to apply new investigation measures needs to be strengthened;Fourth,the coverage of technical input in the investigation is not Balance and detection technology is not high;Fifth,the old and new reconnaissance measures coordination mechanism is not smooth,can not be effectively used;Sixth,methods of detection methods of curing,investigative measures need to be transformed.The combination of traditional investigation measures and new investigation measures is necessary.First,the demands of trial-centrism and the reform of the litigation system centered on trial have a significant impact on the links such as investigation,prosecution and trial as well as the rules of evidence of litigation.Investigations and prosecutions must be conducted around the trial to adjust and change the system design and working mode that are not compatible with them.Therefore,the current investigation work in our country also sets higher demands.Second,the need of investigative practice and the role of investigative measures must be premised on social practice.The content and methods of use are in a dynamic and open process of development with the development of the social situation.The third is the inevitable process of the modernization of the rule of law.The work of criminal investigation has distinct characteristics of the times.The process of investigating modernization is the continuous expansion of investigation measures and demandsthat new ways and new methods of investigation should be actively explored with the spirit and attitude of scientific innovation.The use of investigation measures have different combinations,the traditional investigation measures and the combination of new investigation measures should follow the following principles: First,the principle of proportionality,Second,the principle of necessity,Third,the principle of efficiency,Fourth,the principle of optimal selection,Fifth,due to potential policy principles.The ways to perfect the combination of traditional investigation measures and new investigation measures should start with six aspects: First,to scientifically understand the law of development and the inevitable trend of investigation measures and establish the investigation idea of combining traditional investigation measures with new investigation measures;secondly,to summarize the inheritance;Third,to strengthen the training of investigators and enhance their ability to master and use high-tech means to fight criminals;Fourth,to gradually increase the technical input on investigation measures and improve the level of detection technology Fifth,to improve the connection and combination of traditional investigation measures with new investigation measures so as to expand the scope of investigation measures;and sixthly,to promote the composite investigation tactics that combine traditional investigation measures with new investigative measures and create a new mechanism to combat crime.
Keywords/Search Tags:Investigation measures, Traditional investigation measures, New investigation measures, Dilemma, Necessity, Combination
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