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Lawyers And Politics In Early Modern France

Posted on:2019-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545486914Subject:History of the world
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the social economy and the emergence of the city in the middle ages,lawyers,as one of the legal profession began to rise in France and have constantly changing with the social transformation.The legal profession cannot be ignored in promoting the process of French modernization,especially lawyers.They were the mediator between the royal family and other political forces and the important features of the transformation in early modern France.The first chapter investigates the family background and economic situation of French lawyers in early modern times.Lawyers have appeared along with the revival of Roman law and the development of urban economy in 12th to 13th century.Since the 15th century,the family background of them have changed,the sons of artisans,journaliers,merchants have become the lawyers.The second chapter concentrated on the the education of lawyers.With the reinforcement of the absolutism in France,the education of legal profession formed along with the law education,which was important for the development of the legal profession in France.The third chapter focuses on how the lawyers intervene in the early modern French politics.In order to maintain the municipal rights of the city,lawyers have chosen to cooperate with the king.In the early modern period,the conflict of "absolutism" and"constitutionalism" lawyers have made different choices.In early modern France,lawyers have helped the promotion of the French political civilization.All in all,lawyers are one of the forces in the development of modern political civilization in France.This article is the research about the family background and financial situation about French lawyers in early modern times.On the basis of these research,make a exploration of the influence of lawyers in early modern France.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early modern times, lawyers, society, political culture
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