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The Rule Of Law Perspective Of Migrant Workers Labor Rights And Interests Of Security Research

Posted on:2018-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330536988934Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The fourth plenary session of the party's 18,the overall goal of promoting the rule of law is "the construction of the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics,the construction of socialist country under the rule of law." This is an important content of contemporary marxism,is to promote national important step in the modernization management system and management ability,and solve the social contradictions,promote social harmony and development of the fundamental.Since the reform and opening up,migrant workers have made important contributions to the development of the country and become an important part of the modern workers' stage.In practice,the issue of labor rights and interests of migrant workers is outstanding,although China has adopted a series of policies and measures,but the problem has not been solved fundamentally.Strengthen labor rights protection,migrant workers to achieve social stability and promote economic and social development,building a harmonious society,to carry out the strategies of governing the country according to law is of great significance.Therefore,the purpose of this paper is to according to the connotation of the rule of law and the request,the labor rights protection of the history and status quo of migrant workers were studied,hope is beneficial to solve the problem put forward the ideas and help.In the perspective of the rule of law,this paper is divided into four parts is solving the problem of migrant workers labor rights and interests protection,the first part involving migrant workers labor rights and interests safeguard basic connotation defined,illuminates the strengthen labor rights protection is the inherent requirement of the rule of law,migrant workers and combed the related theory of marxism,as a demonstration of theoretical foundation;The second part of era background,evolution of legal system,such as national policy issued Angle combed the labor rights protection of migrant workers evolution course,draw three Revelations, deal with national policies and laws,measures of innovation and experience for reference,the problem of the relationship between the real needs and work can;The third part enumerated and analyzed the lack of labor rights protection of migrant workers,mainly from the legislative,law enforcement,judicial,law-abiding four aspects to analyze the causes of the problem,for the development of the thoughts and countermeasures to solve the problem has been clear about the direction;Fourth part according to the above problem,put forward "to strengthen the leadership of the communist party of China as the core,the labor rights protection as the goal,to actively solve migrant workers such as the constitution and the" labor law "on the basis of the current laws and regulations by law is supreme,people-based,fairness and justice,unified planning,step by step as the basic principle,vigorously carry forward the spirit of socialist rule of law,give full play to the power organs,administrative organs,judicial organs function and the function of the trade unions,enterprises,to promote rural migrant workers labor rights and interests safeguard to realize long-term and standardization" working train of thought,and from the migrant workers labor laws and regulations system,the labor administrative law enforcement system,justice,judicial system and social rights system four aspects,put forward the specific countermeasures to strengthen labor rights protection of migrant workers,and actively promote the solution of the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rule of Law, Migrant Workers, Labor Rights Protection
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