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Natural Writing In New Historical Novels

Posted on:2021-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J ChaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330626957204Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the late 1980 s,the new historical novel attracted widespread attention with the attitude of dispelling traditional Big History concepts in literature.It devotes to eliminate political discourse and restore plural,folk,and essential history,leading to the segmentation of contemporary historical narrative and grand narrative of old-fashioned absolute power concept.And a number of the descriptions about nature are more opulent in content,being completely different from the thin and flat natural writing in the traditional historical novels and revolutionary historical novels,which complements its historical views and overall narrative features.This dissertation takes the new historical novels of Chen Zhong Shi,Mo Yan,Su Tong,and Liu Zhen yun as the main materials and discusses the connection between the view of nature and the expression of the view of history in new historical novels based on the aspects of specific form,the narrative characteristics and the writer's historical views revealed in natural writing in new historical novels.The first chapter starts from the aspects of land,plants,animals as well as natural crisis and grasps the specific form of natural writing and the writer's narrative of the hidden core of nature.Firstly,it discusses the narrative of the land.From the perspective of cultural archetypes,the writing of the land in some new historical novels conforms to the Chinese national attachment to the land for thousands of years of farming civilization.In addition,the description of the inconvenience of the homeland and the morbid desire for the crops and grains is a sharp edge for the new history writer to analyze human nature and restore the true state of man in history.Simultaneously,regarding the land as the source of the spiritual strength of the characters also reflects the ecological overall view-"unity of heaven and man" of the writers.In the section of plants,this article selects the two most prominent images of "poppy" and "sorghum" in the limited text.From the multiple symbolic meanings of plants,it analyzes the effect of plant writing on the plot,character and overall style of new historical novels.In addition,the dual integration of plants and humans also reflects the writer's ecological consciousness to a certain extent.In the section on animal narratives,the article explores animal wildness,archetype worship about animals,confrontation or equality between humans and animals,and narratives about the blurring of human and beast boundaries.From the above analysis,wecan notice that animals are no longer "others" in new historical novels.In the narrative of intervening human social history from an animal perspective,fully embodies the ecological thought of contained in the creation of some new historical writersThe second chapter analyzes the narrative characteristics of natural writing and its auxiliary contribution to the overall narrative style of new historical novels from the perspective of symbols,absurdity and narrative.First,in the new historical novels,a large amount of natural writing appears as one or more symbols in an imagery manner.And through successive symbolic images,the themes of historical fables in new historical novels are gradually revealed.The recurring images form an artistic effect that loops back and forth against each other.Secondly,the narrative characteristics of natural writing in the new history are also in line with a major feature of its overall narrative-style-absurd.The absurdity of these natural writings may come from fictional natural things,or from the wonderful combination of multiple natural sequences,or benefit from the exaggerated non-realistic relationship between humans and nature.These ridiculous natural writings create a disorderly and chaotic reading sense,which is beneficial to the "accidental" narrative of history that new history writers want to express.Again,new historical novels emphasize marginalized narratives of "personal memories" or "family secrets," generally using a personal perspective.The animal perspective in some new history novels further strengthens the style of marginalized narrative,and also complements the observational perspective of historical narrative beyond the mainstream it emphasizes.The third chapter focuses on the relationship between the new historical writer's views on nature and their historical narratives.First,new historical novels replace human society by nature as a space for narrative backgrounds and character growth,and shatter the linear time that traditional historical novels and revolutionary historical novels emphasize.At this time,although the narrative time is mixed,the real and sensible description of natural space makes the true nature of human history and the truth of "small history" more prominent in the new historical novel.In this way,it is naturally written into the historical process by new history writers,and sometimes even becomes a major factor affecting historical development.Secondly,by contrasting with nature,the new historical novel also reflects on the legitimacy of the development of human civilization and the traditional historical view ofsocial and historical progress.When historical evolution is placed in the natural environment,mankind captures greedily like a beast.New history novelists have questioned the superiority of humans over animals more than once,and the civilized results obtained through violence have been questioned at the same time.In conclusion,the deconstruct discourse and subversion of new historical novels are inevitable within the history of literature and the social and cultural background,and they are also worthy of our appreciation.However,as consumer culture has increasingly eroded various fields,historical narratives have been teased,commercialized in literature.Not only natural writing,but also other historical writings,folk utensils and other writings have gradually become "landscape" or "cultural symbols" in these historical narratives that cater to the market.These writers do not explore,like new historical writers,how these externalized things create its concept of history and narrative style.These descriptions are used as arty tools to make the work look more "historical" and "vicissitudes".This issue is worthy of vigilance on the road of literary creation that urgently needs to reconstruct historical narrative.
Keywords/Search Tags:new history, nature, narrative, symbol, historical progress
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