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Translation Strategies Of The Preposition "With" From The Perspective Of Image Schema Theory

Posted on:2021-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z N ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Textual scholarship,consisting of 12 chapters,is an introductory book on the discipline written by a dozen of experts.It was published by Cambridge University Press in 1994.This book is a systematic exposition of the theory and method of textual scholarship,with high practical and reference value.It is a book that is necessary to be introduced to the Chinese academia.Appended to the present report is Chapter 9 of the book,which serves as material for analysis.In the course of the translation practice,the author found that high-quality translation involved in numerous cases the correct understanding and re-presentation of meanings of prepositions.Hence this practice report chose to address a single high-frequency preposition "with" as a research question.Syntactically speaking,prepositions are words that as words that link to other words,phrases,and clauses and express spatial or temporal relations.So the image schema theory in cognitive linguistics can be conveniently and figuratively used to map the spatial,temporal,or logical relations that preposition express.The theory can be used as a powerful tool to analyze the syntactical functions of prepositions in contexts and therefore to guide translation practice when confronting prepositions.In addition,as a new approach to cognition,image schema theory not only helps significantly in empirical understanding,semantic analysis,and image interpretation,but also gradually expands into the fields of psychology,neuroscience,translation,etc.,and has broad research prospects.This practice report is divided into five chapters: The first chapter is an overview of the translation task,which mainly introduces the background,research purpose and significance of the project;The second chapter introduces the definition,classification and development of the theory of image schema,as well as its application in the field of translation;The third chapter mainly uses the PATH,LINK and CONTAINER of the imageschema theory,combining with the specific analysis of the characteristic sentences;The fourth chapter is the summary of translation skills,corresponding to the previous chapter,from the perspective of space category and non-space category to observe the translation skills of Preposition "with";The fifth chapter is the conclusion,which summarizes the results and shortcomings in the process of translation practice.However,due to the limited topic selection and energy,there must be some deficiencies in this essay.It is hoped that some suggestions will be proposed,then the author will accept it modestly and improve it in time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Image schema theory, Preposition, Translation strategy
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