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A Report On The E-c Translation Of(Chapter Eleven) Pakistan: A Hard Country

Posted on:2021-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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This is an English-Chinese translation report.The original text is selected from“Pakistan: A Hard Country” written by Anatol Lieven,Professor of King's college,London.There are four parts,twelve chapters in the original book.The translator chooses Chapter 11 of the fourth part,“the Pakistan Taleban”.It is a book about some issues such as those of society,politics and security.The selected chapter is about the formation of the Taleban in Pakistan,what Taleban is and the attitude of Pakistanis towards the Taleban.What's more,the Taleban not only affects the security and stability of the Middle East,but also concerns the long-term friendly partnership between China and Pakistan.Anatol Levin wrote the book from a westerner's point of view.The target readers can be ordinary people who want to understand Pakistan's history and current situation,or those who plan to study Pakistan.The translation report first gives a brief description of the project background,project significance,report structure and translation process.Secondly,the writer analyzes the difficulties and the methods used to deal with them.Lexically,the difficulties include cultural-loaded words,polysemy,and the conversion of part of speech;Syntactically,the difficulties mainly include attributive clauses,appositive clauses and long sentences.At the same time,the report also analyzes the above translation difficulties.At the lexical level,the translator adopts annotation,choice of word's meaning and conversion of part of speech.In view of syntactic difficulties,the translator adopts preposition,postposition,sequential translation,amplification and recasting.The translation of the source book helps the translator to improve her translation ability and skills and also increases the translator's in-depth understanding of Pakistan.At the same time,the translator also concludes some translation experiences and methods which lays a solid foundation for future translation.Moreover,the translatorhopes that the translation of source text can also provide useful and fresh research materials for those who want to understand Pakistan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pakistan:A Hard Country, translation practice, lexical difficulties, syntactic difficulties
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