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A Study Of English Grammar Teaching Based On Thematic Discourse In Junior High School

Posted on:2021-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The National English Curriculum Standards for General High School(2018)emphasizes the importance of “theme” and “discourse” in English teaching.At present,researches on grammar teaching have involved the exploration of theme-based or discourse-based teaching model,but these researches rarely combine “theme” and“discourse” to guide English grammar teaching in high schools.Therefore,this study takes the attributive clause as an example and tries to explore the influence of grammar teaching based on the thematic discourse on students' acquisition of grammar.The study chooses some discourses whose topics are related and familiar to students.Furthermore,while introducing the new items of grammar,the teacher ensures that the chosen discourses for students are under the same theme and contain the target grammar.In the teaching process,the teacher guides the students to understand the discourses and perceive,understand,summarize and apply target grammar.Based on the theories of Three-dimensional Grammar Theory,Noticing Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis,using such research methods as questionnaire,test and interview,this study designs and implements attributive clause teaching based on thematic discourse to probe into the practicability and effect of this method.The following questions are to be answered:1.What is the current status of junior high school students' grammar learning?2.How does grammar teaching based on thematic discourse help students' learning of attributive clause?3.How does grammar teaching based on thematic discourse affect students' attitude towards grammar learning?During the implementation of the experiment,research data mainly comes from a questionnaire of grammar learning,pre-and post-tests,a post-test questionnaire,and a post-test interview.Based on analysis of data from the experiment,the following conclusions can be drawn: firstly,students have difficulty in grammar learning,and they have a single learning style and have little initiative in learning grammar;then,grammar teaching based on thematic discourse can help students learn attributive clauses effectively;thirdly,grammar teaching based on thematic discourse improves students' initiative and confidence in grammar learning.Finally,the implications of this study for English teachers are as follows: firstly,teachers can consciously collect interesting discourses containing target grammar in their daily teaching,and modify these discourses according to students' level to effectively promote grammar teaching.Secondly,in grammar class,teachers should design appropriate and orderly classroom activities to stimulate students' interest in learning grammar and encourage students to participate in the class.Lastly,besides interesting classroom activities,it is also necessary for teachers to give a systematic and clear explanation of grammar.
Keywords/Search Tags:thematic discourse, junior high school English, grammar teaching, attributive clause
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