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Li Zonghan's Calligraphy And Collection Research

Posted on:2021-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620968961Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Zonghan,born in Linchuan,Jiangxi Province,is a servant of the Ministry of public works.As a typical official scholar,in addition to his smooth official career,he has made great achievements in calligraphy,collection and literature.However,at present,the study of his calligraphy and collection is not in-depth.This paper attempts to do a relatively in-depth study on these two aspects,and correct some misconceptions to restore a more real Li Zonghan.Li Zonghan's origin of learning books is summarized as "learning Yu Shinan near and Wang Xizhi far away",which is not only the case.Li Zonghan was influenced by his family and liked calligraphy and collection,but he was limited by the times.At first,he took part in the imperial examination with Dong Qichang's and Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy style.After entering the official career,he turned to Yu Shinan's and Ouyang Xun's to mix the two and study them in the middle and later period of Qing Dynasty,which even caused a small group to learn the atmosphere of Europe and Yu.Later,influenced by Weng Fanggang,he also studied Su Dongpo's poetry and calligraphy.For calligraphy Saint Wang Xizhi,he spent a lot of time and energy to study.Li Zonghan's wide range of learning methods of books forms his diverse style of writing.Its calligraphy forms are various and various,especially regular script and running script,which achieved the highest achievement,and got a high evaluation in the middle and late Qing Dynasty.On the other hand,with the development of epigraphy,textual research and collection gradually flourished in the Qing Dynasty.In this context,Li Zonghan likes collecting,with the influence and help of his teachers and friends,and with the economic support of the salt merchants' families,a large number of rubbings are purchased,many of which are isolated and good in Tang and Song dynasties.He used some rubbings for learning and even reprinting,making them widely spread and beneficial to the book circle.In addition,Li Zonghan also likes to visit steles and make rubbings,and mount the rubbings himself.After collection,I often enjoy steles with others in the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Zonghan, calligraphy, identification, collection
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