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Research On The Practice And Exploration Of Improving Bamboo Flute Which Is Added Holes

Posted on:2021-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X LuoFull Text:PDF
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The Chinese bamboo flute is one of the oldest musical instruments in China.It has a development history of more than 9,000 years.It has become a very important solo instrument with its unique tone and performance skills,combined with its rich expression methods An important melody instrument for the Chinese National Orchestra.It has a wide spread and a wide variety.From the end of the 20 th century to the present,the development of Chinese bamboo flute art has entered a new period.Many bamboo flute players and composers boldly broke the traditional bondage,and explored the writing methods of bamboo flute works and the development of improved bamboo flute.Tried and innovatively created a large number of excellent bamboo flute works with advanced artistic thinking and extremely difficult playing techniques,and improved some new types of bamboo flutes,which will be reserved for the history of the development and innovation of Chinese bamboo flute art.A very bright stroke.However,due to the limitation of materials and craftsmanship,Chinese bamboo flutes have forced some works to adopt traditional bamboo flutes based on adding holes and other improved methods to make music have a higher auditory impact.While using the improved bamboo flute,although it facilitates the music processing of the music,it also causes some trouble to the player.This article intends to objectively analyze and study the performance and characteristics of the seven-hole flute,eight-hole flute,ten-hole flute,and eleven-hole flute in various art colleges and art groups,which are more popular in China at present,and put forward the improvement of adding holes combined with personal improvement exploration practice Reasonable plan,and at the same time put forward new ideas for the future development direction of improved bamboo flute.Throwing bricks and inviting jade to ask for advice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bamboo flute with added holes, Improvement of musical instruments, Practice and application
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