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Research On The Moral Value Of Yizhuang In Ancient China

Posted on:2021-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L KeFull Text:PDF
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As a kind of special charity organization,the ancient Chinese yizhuang played an important role in maintaining social stability in the welfare undertakings of the feudal society.Ancient yizhuang was composed of three major parts:yitian,which played the role of economic support,free school,which had the function of education,and yizhai,which had the function of mu nationality.The private ownership of land provides the economic foundation for the establishment of yizhuang.The traditional ethics provided the ideological foundation for the development of yizhuang.In the sui and tang dynasties,the clan relief was prevalent,but it failed to form a fixed organization.In the northern song dynasty,fan zhongyan founded yizhuang and fixed it in a specific organizational form,which led many scholars to follow suit.During the Ming and qing dynasties,yizhuang developed in an all-round way in the south of jiangsu.During the late qing dynasty and the early republic of China,the existence foundation of yizhuang was destroyed and its development gradually declined.The moral activities of the ancient Chinese yizhuang not only included charity for the aged and helping the needy,but also included the activities of charity studies and charity.Yizhuang maintained its own operation by renting the farmland and provided a large range of assistance to the ethnic groups,thus enhancing the ability of the poor people to resist natural risks.At the same time,ancient yizhuang existed as a clan charity organization.Under the guidance of the clan rules,its public property was reasonably distributed through a relatively complete internal organization,and it showed the characteristics of ethics,organization,sociality and standardization.The social activities in yizhuang in ancient China directly reflected the ethical thoughts of benevolence and filial piety,justice and benefit for the people,and compassion,etc.The moral value reflected not only lay in the aspects of the family harmony,but also included the inheritance and development of the excellent traditional ethical thoughts in ancient China,which was the embodiment of the transformation of theory into practice.On the one hand,the ancient Chinese yizhuang could promote the socialstability and the unity within the clan,but due to its inherent limitations,yizhuang gradually became a tool to safeguard the private interests of some clan gentry and exploit their tenants,and gradually became a tool to maintain the basic regime in the feudal society during the Ming and qing dynasties.Thus has its limitations,but still is thus spirit in modern times has certain research value,thus the behavior is a kind of spirit of charity and thus has a new development in new times,and corresponds to the current volunteer spirit in our country,the ancient Chinese thus contemporary spirit and the volunteer service activities in the spirit of dedication,mutual help,love and so on related,therefore it contains a variety of excellent traditional morality is still worth absorbing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ancient yizhuang, Yitian, Patriarchal clan system, Moral value, Volunteerism, charity
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