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Symbol Interaction And Meaning Construction In World Of Warcraft

Posted on:2021-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620461787Subject:Artistic creativity and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Online games have met people 's needs for leisure and entertainment,and enriched their amateur lives.However,the controversy and topics raised by online games have also been quite loud.With the passage of time,people 's influence on online games has gradually changed from blindly critical.In the direction of facing the positive impact of online games,the discussion of online games has also evolved from the earliest game design and criticism to the cultural attributes of games and the impact of games on people and the real world.World of Warcraft is a classic online game.With its unique worldview,story background and excellent gameplay,it has attracted a large number of player groups.Through the players,it has formed its own cultural circle that belongs to World of Warcraft.The game turns into a symbol with cultural attributes.Players experience not only the simple joy brought by the game,but also an emotional communication,identification and even belonging.The player is released in World of Warcraft In order to realize the depressed self in reality,World of Warcraft also continuously constructs and influences the player group through its own rich symbol system,and further influences the real society through the player.It can be said that behind the interactive phenomenon of World of Warcraft symbols is the embodiment of player's self-worth and cultural identity,and the output and meaning exchange of individual symbols.The core idea of the symbolic interaction theory is that meaning is generated in people's interactive behaviors.The reason why people have behaviors is because the objects of behaviors attract meaning to people.The theory of symbol interaction attaches importance to experience,and believes that in-depth study of the object to gain experience is helpful to the analysis of the object of study.As a game,World of Warcraft requires players to enter the game to experience the plot and story of the game,and to obtain emotions through the player's personal experience in the game This meets the tradition that symbolic interaction theory attaches importance to experience,and provides reasonable theoretical support for the analysis of symbolic interaction theory in World of Warcraft.The forms of interaction in World of Warcraft include the human-computer interaction between the game and the player and the human-computer interaction between the player and the player.When the player enters the World of Warcraft environment,the human-computer interaction between the game and the game begins.Although the interaction form is different from the human-to-human interaction in the traditional symbolic interaction theory,the game,as a product created by humans,has anthropomorphism to a certain extent.Through scientific and technological means,the game has certain characteristics of artificial intelligence.Players The interaction in the game is actually a kind of anthropomorphic and human interaction,so it essentially belongs to the analysis category of symbol interaction theory.In addition,the exploration of human-machine symbol interaction is also the symbol interaction theory in the new environment.The development raises new questions and reflections.Through the deconstruction and reconstruction of the real world,World of Warcraft amplifies the beautiful and positive things in reality,weakens the negative and negative things to the greatest extent,and eliminates the existing class division of people in the real society.World of Warcraft has created a mimic world that is close to reality but surpasses reality.When entering the game,the player must first understand and understand the meaning space created by the game.Based on this,the game has completed the construction of the real person as the player.The role the player plays in the game is actually Real people symbolize the construction of the true self in the meaning space of World of Warcraft.Players continue to accept and understand the meaning of the symbols in the game in the interaction with the game,so they are implicitly affected by the game and accept the game.The worldview and values ??conveyed include value judgments on good and evil,value pursuits of fairness and justice,and pay and return,which further affect the real society.At the same time,players continue to interact with other players' symbols in the game.Constructing the meaning of the game itself,this made World of Warcraft rid of the pure game,and then transformed into a symbol with cultural attributes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Symbol interaction, World of Warcraft, Meaning construction
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