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Junior High School English Reading Literacy Training

Posted on:2020-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q SunFull Text:PDF
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Reading is one of the best ways for people to obtain information,cultivate sentiment,and improve their cognition and taste.The reader can communicate with the author through reading,and the content,thoughts and texts of the reading materials must be closely linked when reading.Therefore,reading teaching should pay attention to the development of people and highlight the cultivation of students' reading literacy.This thesis focuses on the English reading literacy training method,using the investigation method,the case study method and the experimental method to carry out the research work on how to cultivate junior high school English reading literacy.This thesis explores English reading literacy training programs around the core problem of junior high school English reading literacy training,which contains exploring the in-depth information acquisition ability of cultivating students' English reading,expanding students' horizons,cultivating students' reading interest,cultivating students' autonomy,creating English reading experience environment and conditions.The period of the research work is divided into three parts: the pre-,mid-and post-period.In the pre-period,the author conducted a survey of 117 junior high school students through questionnaire survey,and grasped the basic situation of reading literacy in the junior high school,which provided a basis for the formulation of medium-period training programs.In the mid-period of the research,the author used the experimental method to study the English reading literacy training strategy with 40 students in her class as the case study.The postresearch work is a feedback analysis of the experimental results from the research subjects through the questionnaire survey method and the case study method after the first semester of the reading literacy training program.After the first semester of the reading literacy training program,the feedback from the questionnaire shows that the students' interest in reading has been stimulated and most students have cultivated better reading habits;the reading fluency has been improved significantly;students' capability of independent learning has been developed as well.Although students' ability for getting depth information remains to be improved,generally,it proves that the trial English reading literacy training program has a certain effect on the improvement of students' English reading literacy.The study found:(1)novel and story English reading materials can effectively stimulate students' interest in English reading;(2)developing reading interest promotes the development of good English reading habits for junior high school students;(3)Learning foreign social and cultural background knowledge promotes students to learn deeper information;(4)Creating opportunities for English reading experience can help junior high school students to understand and learn reading materials;(5)training methods such as situational performances,discussion sharing and reading experience can improve the reading literacy of junior high school students.According to the above research,the author believes that teachers can develop students' English reading literacy from the following aspects:(1)constructing rich knowledge targets as the basis of reading teaching(2)linking reading to students' experiences through interactions;(3)providing students with a wealth of alternative books and materials;(4)encouraging transdisciplinary knowledge of learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school English, English reading literacy, training strategy
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