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A Report On English To Chinese Translation Of The 8th Chapter Of Translation,Brains And The Computer

Posted on:2021-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H PengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This source text is an excerpt from the eighth chapter of the book Translation,Brains and the Computer,which was published by Springer in 2018.The book is divided into two parts.The first part consists of eight chapters.Starting with Logos Model,it discusses the limitations of machine translation.The second part,composed of only one chapter,systematically explains the SAL(Semantico-syntactic Abstraction Language)representation language.The eighth chapter,titled “Deep Learning MT and Logos Model”,is developed around deep learning translation model and Logos Model.It points out that the “learning” in machine learning should not only be a simple statistics or imitation,but also ought to be able to generalize like human's brain,which is the key to the achievement of continuous learning.Guided by the functional equivalence theory,the translation project makes full use of different translation strategies to deal with the problems encountered in the text,so as to maximize the functional equivalence between the target text and the source text.The analysis of the key cases in the translation process is mainly carried out from three levels of functional equivalence.This report summarizes the four translation skills at the lexical level used by the translator,i.e.,amplification,omission,conversion,and free translation,to deal with the differences between the usage of vocabulary in Chinese and English.At the syntactic level,due to the different placement of some components in English,the optimum of passive sentences,the complicated ways of expressing negation and the preference of long sentences,the translator respectively adopts these translation methods,such as adjusting the word order,changing the passive voice into active voice,affirmation,and division based on these characteristics,making it more in line with syntactic conventions.At the textual level,in order to ensure a better cohesion and coherence in contexts,the translation skills of repetition,addition and omission are mainly adopted to better present the entire translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:machine translation, functional equivalence theory, translation strategies
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