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Research About Expressivity Of Black In Lithographs

Posted on:2021-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H GuanFull Text:PDF
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The object of the research in this paper is black in lithograph.Starting from personal creation practice,the importance of black in personal creation and its forming factors were explored.Through investigating the outline formed by the personal works which gradually shows a deep sense of tableau in the personal pictures,the interest in studying black was aroused.The reasons for the research are gradually explored and studied.The paper focused on what is the representation of black in lithography,how the black in individual creation forms the outline of graduation creation,and how the language of lithography affects individual creation.In the first part,starting from the lithograph ontology language,then the color was discussed,drawing forth the black,and a visual research was made on the black.The particularity of lithography materials is closely related to the final outline of lithography;for example a certain property of lithographic chalk,paper and nitric acid,directly affects lithography works.A certain combination of the complexity of the production process and individual creation forms a personal comfortable way of working,to create the lithograph works that individuals are satisfactory with.Also in the colour process,multi-layer ink stacks to achieve a deep picture.For artists,different techniques will produce different formal languages and bring different process experiences to artists.The brush strokes and the superposition of "layers" in lithograph ontology language is important for the expression of black,and black acts as a different medium.Keisuke Yamamoto used the lithographic crayon technique to describe the richful gray levels,and Luau used the performance-based strokes to express the commonality of artist's minds.In the second part,the visual expression of lithography in the third chapter extends to the expression of emotion.How some spiritual feelings are conveyed from the visual sense of lithograph.Lithography is no longer simply a means of reproduction,but a means of creativity.The emotion of black is so rich that in the vast black ocean,theartists convey a precise emotion with the help of lithographs.For example,the lithograph works of the artist David Lynch achieved a grotesque and humorous character modeling through "black",conveying a ridiculous mood,when,black emotion is no longer black in the visual sense,but emotional experience with some "black" properties,such as ridiculousness,absurdity,nonsense,boredom,confusion about the future,ethereal and so on.In the third part the formation process and emotional expression of individual works were studied.Individual creation uses lithograph media,and the affiliated relationship between individual and lithograph studio is subtly integrated into lithograph works.How the black on visual meaning is formed and the process of making lithography,namely from the first visual impression to the last lithograph,how to make it step by step,was explored.The place of black in one's work,and how to make the transition from visual to spiritual were explored.The black in spiritual sense can be interpreted from the territoriality,absurd figures and spiritual sense of light.From forming a certain black in making lithographs to pictures having a certain black,it is represented in strokes and the superposition of "layers".Then the conveying meaning of black is explained from the perspective of spirit.Black is not only in lithographs,but also takes a place in contemporary art.In the East and West,black is gradually extended in the field of art,becoming more and more important.
Keywords/Search Tags:Black, Space, Absurdity, Expressive Force
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